如何在SQL Server管理工作室中使用表提取数据

时间:2021-08-01 16:02:35

I want to use following code to get results from table companies. How can I set the value of variable @strs to point to a column name of my table companies.


declare @strs nvarchar(max)
set @strs = 'I want to pass table data here' // I want to pass table data here
set @strs = reverse(@strs)
select reverse(@strs) String,
reverse(right(@strs,len(@strs) - charindex(' ',@strs,30))) Description1,
ltrim(reverse(left(@strs,charindex(' ',@strs,30)))) Description2

2 个解决方案



I think this is what you mean ...


select @strs = name from companies where ...



Unless I'm completely off...you are looking to 'dynamically' select columns base on a variable input. If this is true, you are looking for dynamic SQL. This can be a security loop-hole, so it is best if you do some reading on what dynamic SQL entails. Relatively simple, you are building your SQL statement in a variable and then executing the variable (this is dangerous as I could build a variable as sql code and execute against your server as a SQL injection attack).


set @sql = 'select ' + @strs + 'from table'
exec @sql

As long as @strs is a list of columns with proper comma''s seperating them, this should work.


I need to ask why you are doing this though...column selection at this level is often best done in the GUI that you are presenting results to your users in...you may want to reconsider why you've decided this is nessacary.

我需要问一下你为什么这样做...这个级别的列选择通常最好在你向用户展示结果的GUI中完成...你可能想重新考虑为什么你决定这是nessacary 。



I think this is what you mean ...


select @strs = name from companies where ...



Unless I'm completely off...you are looking to 'dynamically' select columns base on a variable input. If this is true, you are looking for dynamic SQL. This can be a security loop-hole, so it is best if you do some reading on what dynamic SQL entails. Relatively simple, you are building your SQL statement in a variable and then executing the variable (this is dangerous as I could build a variable as sql code and execute against your server as a SQL injection attack).


set @sql = 'select ' + @strs + 'from table'
exec @sql

As long as @strs is a list of columns with proper comma''s seperating them, this should work.


I need to ask why you are doing this though...column selection at this level is often best done in the GUI that you are presenting results to your users in...you may want to reconsider why you've decided this is nessacary.

我需要问一下你为什么这样做...这个级别的列选择通常最好在你向用户展示结果的GUI中完成...你可能想重新考虑为什么你决定这是nessacary 。