从目录w / python中读取文件名

时间:2021-12-12 11:15:50

I'm trying to make a pygame executable. I will use the following setup file:


from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe

  console = [ "game.py" ],
  author = "me",
  data_files = [ ( directory, [ file_1, file_2... ] ) ]

I've gotten this to work fine on a simple game, but the game I want to package up has > 700 image files. My question is, is there a simple way to read all file names from a directory so I don't have to list each one separately?

我已经让它在一个简单的游戏上工作得很好,但我想打包的游戏有> 700个图像文件。我的问题是,是否有一种简单的方法从目录中读取所有文件名,所以我不必单独列出每个文件名?

While there are some files that are numbered in sequence, most have a different root name, so writing a loop that makes the appropriate strings is not an option.




4 个解决方案



import os

data_files = [(x[0], x[2]) for x in os.walk(root_dir)]



This will give you the files for every subdirectory contained within root_dir (along with the ones in root_dir itself, of course) as tuples in the format [(dirpath1, [file1, file2, ...]), (dirpath2, [file3, file4, ...]), ...]

这将为你提供root_dir中包含的每个子目录的文件(以及root_dir本身的子目录),作为[[dirpath1,[file1,file2,...])格式的元组,(dirpath2,[file3, file4,...]),...]

I gave you this as my answer because I'm assuming (or rather, hoping) that, with so many files, you're keeping them properly organized rather than having them all in a single directory with no subdirectories.


It's been a while, but coming back to this I now realize that for a long list of files, a generator expression would probably be more efficient. To do so, a very simple change is needed; replace the outer brackets with parentheses, i.e.


import os
data_file_gen = ((x[0], x[2]) for x in os.walk(root_dir))

And data_file_gen could then be used wherever data_files was iterated over (assuming you're only using the generator once; if the generator is to be used multiple times, you would have to recreate the generator for each use. In such cases it may be better to just use the list method unless memory does become a problem.).




Try this


data_files = [directory, ...]  # whatever you want to put specifically.
data_files += [file for file in os.listdir('images') if os.path.isfile(file)]  # for adding your image files



The os module has a method called listdir that takes a path and returns the contents as a list.




Use glob to collect all files in a directory. Use . to collect all files, or *.jpg to collect all .jpg files. This will put the images in a folder called "Images" in your py2exe output directory.

使用glob来收集目录中的所有文件。使用 。收集所有文件,或* .jpg收集所有.jpg文件。这会将图像放在py2exe输出目录中名为“Images”的文件夹中。

from glob import glob
data_files = [
        ("Stuff", glob(r'C:\projectfolder\Stuff\*.*')) 
        ,("dlls", glob(r'C:\projectfolder\dlls\*.dll'))                  
        ,("Images", glob(r'C:\projectfolder\images\*.*'))  
,options = options



import os

data_files = [(x[0], x[2]) for x in os.walk(root_dir)]



This will give you the files for every subdirectory contained within root_dir (along with the ones in root_dir itself, of course) as tuples in the format [(dirpath1, [file1, file2, ...]), (dirpath2, [file3, file4, ...]), ...]

这将为你提供root_dir中包含的每个子目录的文件(以及root_dir本身的子目录),作为[[dirpath1,[file1,file2,...])格式的元组,(dirpath2,[file3, file4,...]),...]

I gave you this as my answer because I'm assuming (or rather, hoping) that, with so many files, you're keeping them properly organized rather than having them all in a single directory with no subdirectories.


It's been a while, but coming back to this I now realize that for a long list of files, a generator expression would probably be more efficient. To do so, a very simple change is needed; replace the outer brackets with parentheses, i.e.


import os
data_file_gen = ((x[0], x[2]) for x in os.walk(root_dir))

And data_file_gen could then be used wherever data_files was iterated over (assuming you're only using the generator once; if the generator is to be used multiple times, you would have to recreate the generator for each use. In such cases it may be better to just use the list method unless memory does become a problem.).




Try this


data_files = [directory, ...]  # whatever you want to put specifically.
data_files += [file for file in os.listdir('images') if os.path.isfile(file)]  # for adding your image files



The os module has a method called listdir that takes a path and returns the contents as a list.




Use glob to collect all files in a directory. Use . to collect all files, or *.jpg to collect all .jpg files. This will put the images in a folder called "Images" in your py2exe output directory.

使用glob来收集目录中的所有文件。使用 。收集所有文件,或* .jpg收集所有.jpg文件。这会将图像放在py2exe输出目录中名为“Images”的文件夹中。

from glob import glob
data_files = [
        ("Stuff", glob(r'C:\projectfolder\Stuff\*.*')) 
        ,("dlls", glob(r'C:\projectfolder\dlls\*.dll'))                  
        ,("Images", glob(r'C:\projectfolder\images\*.*'))  
,options = options