
时间:2022-07-01 16:03:42

Problem with dynamic controls


Hello all,


I'm wanting to create some dynamic controls, and have them persist their viewstate across page loads. Easy enough, right? All I have to do is re-create the controls upon each page load, using the same IDs. HOWEVER, here's the catch - in my PreRender event, I'm wanting to clear the controls collection, and then recreate the dynamic controls with new values. The reasons for this are complicated, and it would probably take me about a page or so to explain why I want to do it. So, in the interests of brevity, let's just assume that I absolutely must do this, and that there's no other way.


The problem comes in after I re-create the controls in my PreRender event. The re-created controls never bind to the viewstate, and their values do not persist across page loads. I don't understand why this happens. I'm already re-creating the controls in my OnLoad event. When I do this, the newly created controls bind to the ViewState just fine, provided that I use the same IDs every time. However, when I try to do the same thing in the PreRender event, it fails.


In any case, here is my example code :


namespace TestFramework.WebControls {

名称空间TestFramework。WebControls {

public class ValueLinkButton : LinkButton
    public string Value
            return (string)ViewState[ID + "vlbValue"];

            ViewState[ID + "vlbValue"] = value;

public class TestControl : WebControl
    protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)


        ValueLinkButton tempLink = null;

        tempLink = new ValueLinkButton();
        tempLink.ID = "valueLinkButton";
        tempLink.Click += new EventHandler(Value_Click);

        if (!Page.IsPostBack)
            tempLink.Value = "old value";


    protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)

        ValueLinkButton tempLink = ((ValueLinkButton)FindControl("valueLinkButton"));  //[CASE 1]

        //ValueLinkButton tempLink = new ValueLinkButton();  [CASE 2]

        tempLink.ID = "valueLinkButton";
        tempLink.Value = "new value";
        tempLink.Text = "Click";            


    void Value_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Page.Response.Write("[" + ((ValueLinkButton)sender).Value + "]");



So, let's examine case 1, where the line next to [CASE 1] is not commented out, but the line next to [CASE 2] is commented out. Here, everything works just fine. When I put this control on a page and load the page, I see a link that says "Click". When I click the link, the page outputs the text "[new value]", and on the next line, we see the familiar "Click" link. Every subesquent time I click on the "Click" link, we see the same thing. So far, so good.

因此,让我们检查情形1,其中[情形1]旁边的行没有注释掉,但是[情形2]旁边的行被注释掉了。这里一切正常。当我把这个控件放在页面上并加载页面时,我看到一个链接,上面写着“点击”。当我点击链接时,页面输出文本“[new value]”,在下一行,我们看到熟悉的“click”链接。每次点击“点击”链接,我们都会看到同样的事情。到目前为止还好。

But now let's examine case 2, where the line next to [CASE 1] is commented out, but the line next to [CASE 2] is not commented out. Here we run into problems. When we load the page, we see the "Click" link. However, when I click on the link, the page outputs the text "[]" instead of "[new value]". The click event is firing normally. However, the "new value" text that I assigned to the Value attribute of the control does not get persisted. Once again, this is a bit of a mystery to me. How come, when I recreate the control in OnLoad, everything's fine and dandy, but when I recreate the control in PreRender, the value doesn't get persisted?

但是现在让我们检查情形2,其中[情形1]旁边的行被注释掉了,但是[情形2]旁边的行没有被注释掉。这里我们遇到了问题。当我们加载页面时,我们会看到“点击”链接。然而,当我点击链接时,页面输出的是“[]”而不是“[新值]”。单击事件正在正常启动。但是,我分配给控件的value属性的“new value”文本不会被持久化。再一次,这对我来说有点神秘。为什么,当我在OnLoad重新创建控件时,一切都很好,但是当我在PreRender重新创建控件时,值不会被持久化?

I feel like there simply has to be a way to do this. When I re-create the control in PreRender, is there some way to bind the newly created control to the ViewState?


I've struggled with this for days. Any help that you can give me will be appreciated.




9 个解决方案



ViewState-backed properties are only persisted to ViewState if the control is currently tracking ViewState. This is by design to keep ViewState as small as possible: it should only contain data that is truly dynamic. The upshot of this is that:


ViewState propeties set during the Init event are not backed to ViewState (because the Page has not yet started tracking ViewState). Thus Init is a good place to add controls and set (a) properties that won't change between postbacks (ID, CssClass...) as well as initial values for dynamic properties (which can then be modified by code in the rest of the page lifecycle - Load, event handlers, PreRender).

在Init事件期间设置的ViewState propeties没有被支持到ViewState(因为页面还没有开始跟踪ViewState)。因此,Init是添加控件和设置(a)属性的好地方,这些属性不会在回发(ID, CssClass…)和动态属性的初始值(然后可以在页面生命周期的其余部分——装载、事件处理程序、预编译器——中通过代码进行修改)之间发生变化。

When dynamically adding controls in Load or PreRender, ViewState is being tracked. The developer can then control which propeties are persisted for dynamically added controls as follows:


  • Properties set before the control is added to the page's control tree are not persisted to ViewState. You typically set properties that are not dynamic (ID etc) before adding a control to the control tree.


  • Properties set after the control is added to the page's control tree are persisted to ViewState (ViewState tracking is enabled from before the Load Event to after the PreRender event).


In your case, your PreRender handler is setting properties before adding the control to the page's control tree. To get the result you want, set dynamic properties after adding the control to the control tree: .


protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)
    ValueLinkButton tempLink = new ValueLinkButton(); // [CASE 2]        
    tempLink.ID = "valueLinkButton"; // Not persisted to ViewState
    tempLink.Value = "new value";  // Persisted to ViewState
    tempLink.Text = "Click";       // Persisted to ViewState



As others have statement you'll need to ensure that you are creating via the Init method. To learn more about the ASP.NET page life cycle check out this article: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms178472.aspx




I'm already re-creating the controls in my OnLoad event.


That's your problem. OnLoad is too late. Use Init instead.




Thank you for your help, but I tried that and it didn't make a difference. Besides, OnLoad works just as well for dynamic controls as OnInit, as long as you give your controls the same IDs every time.

谢谢你的帮助,但我试过了,没有什么不同。此外,只要每次给控件相同的id, OnLoad对于动态控件和OnInit的工作效果都是一样的。



I believe that once you have added the dynamic controls to the page in PageLoad, the ViewState is bound to the controls and the "ViewState still needs to be bound" flag (in concept, not an actual flag) is cleared. Then, when you recreate the controls, the existing ViewState is no longer bound.


I faced something similar last year, only in my case I did not want the ViewState to rebind. My issue is that I was not recreating the previous controls, which is why I think that the pseudo-flag notion above applies.




Try calling Page.RegisterRequiresControlState(). You can also use RequiresControlState() to check if it's already been registered.




ViewState works on the Page and its child objects. The new control in [Case 2] has not been added to the Page (or any of its children). In fact, in case of the code above, the object will be out of scope as soon as the OnPreRender method ends and will be garbage collected.


If you absolutely have to swap out the control, you will need to remove the old control from its parent using Remove() method and add the new control at the right place using AddAt().


If the control was the only child of the parent, the code would be something like the following.


ValueLinkButton tempLink = new ValueLinkButton();
Control parent = FindControl("valueLinkButton").Parent;
parent.AddAt(0, tempLink);



Control added before SaveViewState method called in control life cycle should persist their values. I would concur with Joe's answer. Check this image






I figured out yesterday that you can actually make your app work like normal by loading the control tree right after the loadviewstateevent is fired. if you override the loadviewstate event, call mybase.loadviewstate and then put your own code to regenerate the controls right after it, the values for those controls will be available on page load. In one of my apps I use a viewstate field to hold the ID or the array info that can be used to recreate those controls.


Protected Overrides Sub LoadViewState(ByVal savedState As Object)
    If IsPostBack Then
    End If
End Sub



ViewState-backed properties are only persisted to ViewState if the control is currently tracking ViewState. This is by design to keep ViewState as small as possible: it should only contain data that is truly dynamic. The upshot of this is that:


ViewState propeties set during the Init event are not backed to ViewState (because the Page has not yet started tracking ViewState). Thus Init is a good place to add controls and set (a) properties that won't change between postbacks (ID, CssClass...) as well as initial values for dynamic properties (which can then be modified by code in the rest of the page lifecycle - Load, event handlers, PreRender).

在Init事件期间设置的ViewState propeties没有被支持到ViewState(因为页面还没有开始跟踪ViewState)。因此,Init是添加控件和设置(a)属性的好地方,这些属性不会在回发(ID, CssClass…)和动态属性的初始值(然后可以在页面生命周期的其余部分——装载、事件处理程序、预编译器——中通过代码进行修改)之间发生变化。

When dynamically adding controls in Load or PreRender, ViewState is being tracked. The developer can then control which propeties are persisted for dynamically added controls as follows:


  • Properties set before the control is added to the page's control tree are not persisted to ViewState. You typically set properties that are not dynamic (ID etc) before adding a control to the control tree.


  • Properties set after the control is added to the page's control tree are persisted to ViewState (ViewState tracking is enabled from before the Load Event to after the PreRender event).


In your case, your PreRender handler is setting properties before adding the control to the page's control tree. To get the result you want, set dynamic properties after adding the control to the control tree: .


protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)
    ValueLinkButton tempLink = new ValueLinkButton(); // [CASE 2]        
    tempLink.ID = "valueLinkButton"; // Not persisted to ViewState
    tempLink.Value = "new value";  // Persisted to ViewState
    tempLink.Text = "Click";       // Persisted to ViewState



As others have statement you'll need to ensure that you are creating via the Init method. To learn more about the ASP.NET page life cycle check out this article: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms178472.aspx




I'm already re-creating the controls in my OnLoad event.


That's your problem. OnLoad is too late. Use Init instead.




Thank you for your help, but I tried that and it didn't make a difference. Besides, OnLoad works just as well for dynamic controls as OnInit, as long as you give your controls the same IDs every time.

谢谢你的帮助,但我试过了,没有什么不同。此外,只要每次给控件相同的id, OnLoad对于动态控件和OnInit的工作效果都是一样的。



I believe that once you have added the dynamic controls to the page in PageLoad, the ViewState is bound to the controls and the "ViewState still needs to be bound" flag (in concept, not an actual flag) is cleared. Then, when you recreate the controls, the existing ViewState is no longer bound.


I faced something similar last year, only in my case I did not want the ViewState to rebind. My issue is that I was not recreating the previous controls, which is why I think that the pseudo-flag notion above applies.




Try calling Page.RegisterRequiresControlState(). You can also use RequiresControlState() to check if it's already been registered.




ViewState works on the Page and its child objects. The new control in [Case 2] has not been added to the Page (or any of its children). In fact, in case of the code above, the object will be out of scope as soon as the OnPreRender method ends and will be garbage collected.


If you absolutely have to swap out the control, you will need to remove the old control from its parent using Remove() method and add the new control at the right place using AddAt().


If the control was the only child of the parent, the code would be something like the following.


ValueLinkButton tempLink = new ValueLinkButton();
Control parent = FindControl("valueLinkButton").Parent;
parent.AddAt(0, tempLink);



Control added before SaveViewState method called in control life cycle should persist their values. I would concur with Joe's answer. Check this image






I figured out yesterday that you can actually make your app work like normal by loading the control tree right after the loadviewstateevent is fired. if you override the loadviewstate event, call mybase.loadviewstate and then put your own code to regenerate the controls right after it, the values for those controls will be available on page load. In one of my apps I use a viewstate field to hold the ID or the array info that can be used to recreate those controls.


Protected Overrides Sub LoadViewState(ByVal savedState As Object)
    If IsPostBack Then
    End If
End Sub