
时间:2022-07-08 15:59:15

OK I would like to know this once and for all, how can I create "vista-style" controls from within .NET? I am using .NET 3.5 SP1.

好的,我想一劳永逸地知道这一点,如何在.NET中创建“vista-style”控件?我使用的是.NET 3.5 SP1。

The most important control I am attempting to spawn is the new enhanced message dialog which looks like this:
alt text http://i.msdn.microsoft.com/Aa511268.Dialogs23a(en-us,MSDN.10).png

我试图产生的最重要的控件是新的增强消息对话框,如下所示:alt text http://i.msdn.microsoft.com/Aa511268.Dialogs23a(en-us,MSDN.10).png

I am attempting to follow guidelines laid down here (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa511268.aspx) but I find Microsoft is very good at laying down the guidelines, but not with explaining how to use or access these.


Any information on how to create the message dialog and the plethora of other controls which are new to vista would be greatly appreciated. I would also be interested to know how Windows XP reacts if you attempt to spawn one of these controls.

任何有关如何创建消息对话框的信息以及对vista不熟悉的大量其他控件都将非常感激。我也有兴趣知道如果你试图产生其中一个控件,Windows XP会如何反应。

I am aware of one control named TaskDialog but again I do not know how to get started with using this in .NET and to my knowledge, it is not the control in use in the screenshot.


Update: After further research, I believe TaskDialog might be what I am after - does anybody have code samples of this running within .NET?

更新:经过进一步的研究,我相信TaskDialog可能就是我所追求的 - 有没有人在.NET中运行这个代码示例?

1 个解决方案


To get the really cool dialogs like provided in the UAC you need to some native calls. www.pinvoke.net is a great resource for this information.

要获得UAC中提供的非常酷的对话框,您需要一些本机调用。 www.pinvoke.net是获取此信息的绝佳资源。

Update: These are all really good examples for TaskDialog.



To get the really cool dialogs like provided in the UAC you need to some native calls. www.pinvoke.net is a great resource for this information.

要获得UAC中提供的非常酷的对话框,您需要一些本机调用。 www.pinvoke.net是获取此信息的绝佳资源。

Update: These are all really good examples for TaskDialog.
