
时间:2023-01-30 15:59:14

We use a grid control from Infragistics at work. Are there others? Pay or free?


9 个解决方案



I'd second Telerik, which is what MS used for office, IIRC. I don't know if they have gone WPF though, but they have a good track record. I am also a fan of DevExpress, and their support is great, but the wpf grid is still in beta. The regular one is great, though. Both of them are pay, though, but worth it.


I have never found a good free grid. Guess they are just too hard to write. With how... fun... wpf is, I doubt there will ever be a good free one.

我从来没有找到一个好的*网格。猜猜他们太难写了。如何...有趣... wpf,我怀疑会有一个好的免费的。



Free DataGrid(.NET3.5 SP1) is at CodePlex

免费DataGrid(.NET3.5 SP1)位于CodePlex

Please see the answers in this Threads talking about DataGrid.




Xceed also have a DataGrid for WPF. It's reasonable and has a good set of features.




Telerik usually are a good bet : RadGrid




I started out using the Infragistics control also which is great and is very powerful, but it's difficult to use because it's features are so extensive. I feel the same way about ComponentOne. I've switched over to the DataGrid CPT from Microsoft, and I've had a lot of success with it. Obviosly it's not as feature rich at this point as other 3rd part controls, but overall I'ts really good.

我开始使用Infragistics控件,它很棒且非常强大,但它很难使用,因为它的功能非常广泛。我对ComponentOne也有同感。我已经切换到微软的DataGrid CPT,并且我已经取得了很大的成功。显然它不像其他第三部分控制那样功能丰富,但总的来说我真的很好。



Try the XCeed Grid (http://xceed.com/Grid_WPF_Demo.html). It also has a good demo page where you can see its capabilities.

试试XCeed Grid(http://xceed.com/Grid_WPF_Demo.html)。它还有一个很好的演示页面,您可以在其中查看其功能。



We use Xceed's 3.0 DataGrid (pro version..but free version is excellent) more extensively than probably anybody. It has the flexibility to handle more things than the other grids.. in my opinion of course.

我们使用Xceed的3.0 DataGrid(专业版......但免费版非常好)比任何人都更广泛。在我看来,它可以灵活地处理比其他网格更多的东西。

Try them all, there are limitations to each.




Definitely the Xceed DataGrid for WPF, check their online demo here: http://xceed.com/Grid_WPF_Demo.html

绝对是WPF的Xceed DataGrid,请查看他们的在线演示:http://xceed.com/Grid_WPF_Demo.html



Whichever WPF grid you choose (and they all have their pros and cons), I would advise looking at the Adaptable Blotter (www.adaptableblotter.com). It sits on top of all the leading WPF vendor grids and adds the additional, advanced functionality that developers usually need to add themselves. So you can use it with any of the DataGrids listed here and you get - straight out of the box - searching, filtering, auditing, flashing cells, bulk update and much more.

无论你选择哪个WPF网格(它们都有它们的优点和缺点),我建议你看看Adaptable Blotter(www.adaptableblotter.com)。它位于所有领先的WPF供应商网格之上,并添加了开发人员通常需要添加的额外的高级功能。因此,您可以将其与此处列出的任何DataGrids一起使用,您可以直接使用它 - 搜索,过滤,审核,闪存单元,批量更新等等。



I'd second Telerik, which is what MS used for office, IIRC. I don't know if they have gone WPF though, but they have a good track record. I am also a fan of DevExpress, and their support is great, but the wpf grid is still in beta. The regular one is great, though. Both of them are pay, though, but worth it.


I have never found a good free grid. Guess they are just too hard to write. With how... fun... wpf is, I doubt there will ever be a good free one.

我从来没有找到一个好的*网格。猜猜他们太难写了。如何...有趣... wpf,我怀疑会有一个好的免费的。



Free DataGrid(.NET3.5 SP1) is at CodePlex

免费DataGrid(.NET3.5 SP1)位于CodePlex

Please see the answers in this Threads talking about DataGrid.




Xceed also have a DataGrid for WPF. It's reasonable and has a good set of features.




Telerik usually are a good bet : RadGrid




I started out using the Infragistics control also which is great and is very powerful, but it's difficult to use because it's features are so extensive. I feel the same way about ComponentOne. I've switched over to the DataGrid CPT from Microsoft, and I've had a lot of success with it. Obviosly it's not as feature rich at this point as other 3rd part controls, but overall I'ts really good.

我开始使用Infragistics控件,它很棒且非常强大,但它很难使用,因为它的功能非常广泛。我对ComponentOne也有同感。我已经切换到微软的DataGrid CPT,并且我已经取得了很大的成功。显然它不像其他第三部分控制那样功能丰富,但总的来说我真的很好。



Try the XCeed Grid (http://xceed.com/Grid_WPF_Demo.html). It also has a good demo page where you can see its capabilities.

试试XCeed Grid(http://xceed.com/Grid_WPF_Demo.html)。它还有一个很好的演示页面,您可以在其中查看其功能。



We use Xceed's 3.0 DataGrid (pro version..but free version is excellent) more extensively than probably anybody. It has the flexibility to handle more things than the other grids.. in my opinion of course.

我们使用Xceed的3.0 DataGrid(专业版......但免费版非常好)比任何人都更广泛。在我看来,它可以灵活地处理比其他网格更多的东西。

Try them all, there are limitations to each.




Definitely the Xceed DataGrid for WPF, check their online demo here: http://xceed.com/Grid_WPF_Demo.html

绝对是WPF的Xceed DataGrid,请查看他们的在线演示:http://xceed.com/Grid_WPF_Demo.html



Whichever WPF grid you choose (and they all have their pros and cons), I would advise looking at the Adaptable Blotter (www.adaptableblotter.com). It sits on top of all the leading WPF vendor grids and adds the additional, advanced functionality that developers usually need to add themselves. So you can use it with any of the DataGrids listed here and you get - straight out of the box - searching, filtering, auditing, flashing cells, bulk update and much more.

无论你选择哪个WPF网格(它们都有它们的优点和缺点),我建议你看看Adaptable Blotter(www.adaptableblotter.com)。它位于所有领先的WPF供应商网格之上,并添加了开发人员通常需要添加的额外的高级功能。因此,您可以将其与此处列出的任何DataGrids一起使用,您可以直接使用它 - 搜索,过滤,审核,闪存单元,批量更新等等。