Not sure what I am doing wrong. The results I get from the Accelerate framework seem incorrect to me. Any help would be much appreciated!
Here are some graphs comparing AForge with vDPS This is the vDSP Code I run
fftSetup = vDSP_create_fftsetup( 16, 2);
// Convert the data into a DSPSplitComplex
int samples = spectrumDataSize;
int samplesOver2 = samples/2;
DSPSplitComplex * complexData = new DSPSplitComplex;
float *realpart = (float *)calloc(samplesOver2, sizeof(float));
float *imagpart = (float *)calloc(samplesOver2, sizeof(float));
complexData->realp = realpart;
complexData->imagp = imagpart;
vDSP_ctoz((DSPComplex *)realData, 2, complexData, 1,samplesOver2);
// Calculate the FFT
// ( I'm assuming here you've already called vDSP_create_fftsetup() )
vDSP_fft_zrip(fftSetup, complexData, 1, log2f(samples), FFT_FORWARD);
// Scale the data
//float scale = (float) FFT_SCALE; //scale is 32
vDSP_vsmul(complexData->realp, 1, &scale, complexData->realp, 1,samplesOver2);
vDSP_vsmul(complexData->imagp, 1, &scale, complexData->imagp, 1, samplesOver2);
vDSP_zvabs(complexData, 1, spectrumData, 1, samples);
delete complexData;
// All done!
return spectrumData;
This is what I do in AForge
foreach (float f in floatData)
if (i >= this.fft.Length)
this.fft[i++] = new Complex(f * fftSize, 0);
AForge.Math.FourierTransform.FFT(this.fft, FourierTransform.Direction.Forward);
6 个解决方案
After the following subroutine
vDSP_ctoz((DSPComplex *)realData, 2, complexData, 1,samplesOver2);
is executed, complexData
has samplesOver2
elements. But soon after that, you call
vDSP_zvabs(complexData, 1, spectrumData, 1, samples);
which expects complexData
to have samples
elements, i.e. twice as many. This cannot be.
Also, how is realData
laid out? I ask because vDSP_ctoz
expects its first argument to be laid out in the form
real0, imag0, real1, imag1, ... real(n-1), imag(n-1).
If your data is indeed real, then imag0, imag1, ... imag(n-1)
should all be 0. If it is not, then vDSP_ctoz
may not be expecting that. (Unless you are packing the real data in some clever way, which would be two [sic] clever by half!)
如果您的数据确实是真实的,那么imag0, imag1,…imag(n-1)应该都是0。如果不是,那么vDSP_ctoz可能并不期待。(除非你用一些聪明的方法来包装真实的数据,否则这将是两个聪明的方法!)
Finally, vDSP_create_fftsetup( 16, 2);
should probably be changed to
vDSP_create_fftsetup(16, 0);
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
My sample code appended in postscript:
FFTSetup fftSetup = vDSP_create_fftsetup(
16, // vDSP_Length __vDSP_log2n,
kFFTRadix2 // FFTRadix __vDSP_radix
// CAUTION: kFFTRadix2 is an enum that is equal to 0
// kFFTRadix5 is an enum that is equal to 2
NSAssert(fftSetup != NULL, @"vDSP_create_fftsetup() failed to allocate storage");
int numSamples = 65536; // numSamples must be an integer power of 2; in this case 65536 = 2 ^ 16
float realData[numSamples];
// Prepare the real data with (ahem) fake data, in this case
// the sum of 3 sinusoidal waves representing a C major chord.
// The fake data is rigged to have a sampling frequency of 44100 Hz (as for a CD).
// As always, the Nyquist frequency is just half the sampling frequency, i.e., 22050 Hz.
for (int i = 0; i < numSamples; i++)
realData[i] = sin(2 * M_PI * 261.76300048828125 * i / 44100.0) // C4 = 261.626 Hz
+ sin(2 * M_PI * 329.72717285156250 * i / 44100.0) // E4 = 329.628 Hz
+ sin(2 * M_PI * 392.30804443359375 * i / 44100.0); // G4 = 391.995 Hz
float splitReal[numSamples / 2];
float splitImag[numSamples / 2];
DSPSplitComplex splitComplex;
splitComplex.realp = splitReal;
splitComplex.imagp = splitImag;
(const DSPComplex *)realData, // const DSPComplex __vDSP_C[],
2, // vDSP_Stride __vDSP_strideC, MUST BE A MULTIPLE OF 2
&splitComplex, // DSPSplitComplex *__vDSP_Z,
1, // vDSP_Stride __vDSP_strideZ,
(numSamples / 2) // vDSP_Length __vDSP_size
fftSetup, // FFTSetup __vDSP_setup,
&splitComplex, // DSPSplitComplex *__vDSP_ioData,
1, // vDSP_Stride __vDSP_stride,
(vDSP_Length)lround(log2(numSamples)), // vDSP_Length __vDSP_log2n,
// FOR OUR EXAMPLE, THIS WOULD BE (numSamples / 2) + (numSamples / 2) = numSamples
kFFTDirection_Forward // FFTDirection __vDSP_direction
printf("DC component = %f\n", splitComplex.realp[0]);
printf("Nyquist component = %f\n\n", splitComplex.imagp[0]);
// Next, we compute the Power Spectral Density (PSD) from the FFT.
// (The PSD is just the magnitude-squared of the FFT.)
// (We don't bother with scaling as we are only interested in relative values of the PSD.)
float powerSpectralDensity[(numSamples / 2) + 1]; // the "+ 1" is to make room for the Nyquist component
// We move the Nyquist component out of splitComplex.imagp[0] and place it
// at the end of the array powerSpectralDensity, squaring it as we go:
powerSpectralDensity[numSamples / 2] = splitComplex.imagp[0] * splitComplex.imagp[0];
// We can now zero out splitComplex.imagp[0] since the imaginary part of the DC component is, in fact, zero:
splitComplex.imagp[0] = 0.0;
// Finally, we compute the squares of the magnitudes of the elements of the FFT:
&splitComplex, // DSPSplitComplex *__vDSP_A,
1, // vDSP_Stride __vDSP_I,
powerSpectralDensity, // float *__vDSP_C,
1, // vDSP_Stride __vDSP_K,
(numSamples / 2) // vDSP_Length __vDSP_N
// We print out a table of the PSD as a function of frequency
// Replace the "< 600" in the for-loop below with "<= (numSamples / 2)" if you want
// the entire spectrum up to and including the Nyquist frequency:
printf("Frequency_in_Hz Power_Spectral_Density\n");
for (int i = 0; i < 600; i++)
printf("%f, %f\n", (i / (float)(numSamples / 2)) * 22050.0, powerSpectralDensity[i]);
// Recall that the array index i = 0 corresponds to zero frequency
// and that i = (numSamples / 2) corresponds to the Nyquist frequency of 22050 Hz.
// Frequency values intermediate between these two limits are scaled proportionally (linearly).
// The output PSD should be zero everywhere except at the three frequencies
// corresponding to the C major triad. It should be something like this:
DC component = -0.000000
Nyquist component = -0.000000
Frequency_in_Hz Power_Spectral_Density
0.000000, 0.000000
0.672913, 0.000000
1.345825, 0.000000
2.018738, 0.000000
2.691650, 0.000000
260.417175, 0.000000
261.090088, 0.000000
261.763000, 4294967296.000000
262.435913, 0.000000
263.108826, 0.000000
328.381348, 0.000000
329.054260, 0.000000
329.727173, 4294967296.000000
330.400085, 0.000000
331.072998, 0.000000
390.962219, 0.000000
391.635132, 0.000000
392.308044, 4294966784.000000
392.980957, 0.000000
393.653870, 0.000000
This line:
vDSP_zvabs(complexData, 1, spectrumData, 1, samples);
should be:
float cr = complexData->realp[0], ci = complexData->imagp[0];
vDSP_zvabs(complexData, 1, spectrumData, 1, samplesOver2);
spectrumData[0] = cr*cr;
spectrumData[samplesOver2] = ci*ci; // See remarks below.
This because the real-to-complex FFT of N samples returns N/2+1 results. Two of the results are real numbers, which are packed into complexData->realp[0] and complexData->imagp[0]. The remaining N/2-1 results are complex numbers, stored normally with the real components in complexData->realp[i] and the imaginary components in complexData->imagp[i], for 0 < i < N/2.
这是因为N个样本的实到复杂FFT返回N/2+1结果。其中两个结果是实数[0]和complexData[0]。其余的N/2-1结果是复数,通常情况下,在complexData->realp[i]中,以及complexData->imagp[i]中的虚组件,为0 < i < N/2。
vDSP_zvabs computes the magnitudes of the complex numbers, except that the first output (in spectrumData[0]) is incorrect due to the packing of two numbers into the [0] elements. Overwriting spectrumData[0] with cr*cr corrects that. You can also write the magnitude of the other packed element (the Nyquist frequency) into spectrumData[samplesOver2], if space has been provided for that.
Some other notes:
spectrumDataSize must be a power of two.
It is not ideal practice to calculate the base-two logarithm as log2f(samples). I think we (Apple) have made log2f return exactly correct results for integer powers of two, but depending on floating-point exactness should be avoided unless care has been taken to be very certain of it.
用log2f(样本)计算基底- 2对数是不理想的。我认为我们(苹果)已经使log2f返回完全正确的两个整数幂的结果,但是,如果不小心谨慎,就应该避免使用浮点精度。
There is no need to dynamically allocate a DSPSplitComplex with “new”. It is POD (plain old data) containing just two pointers, so you can simply declare “DSPSplitComplex complexData” and use it as a struct, rather than a pointer to a struct.
没有必要动态地分配一个带有“new”的DSPSplitComplex。它是只包含两个指针的POD(普通旧数据),因此您可以简单地声明“DSPSplitComplex complexData”,并将其用作struct,而不是指向struct的指针。
Some thoughts..
一些想法. .
int numberOfInputSamples = ..;
int numberOfInputSamplesOver2 = numberOfInputSamples/2;
fftSetup = vDSP_create_fftsetup( log2(numberOfInputSamples), FFT_RADIX2 );
Float32 scale = (Float32) 1.0 / (2 * numberOfInputSamples);
float *spectrumData = (float *)calloc( numberOfInputSamplesOver2, sizeof(float));
vDSP_zvabs( complexData, 1, spectrumData, 1, numberOfInputSamplesOver2 );
so at the end you will have numberOfInputSamplesOver2 float magnitudes, right?
(technically it is numberOfInputSamplesOver2+1 but the whole packing thing is another question)
You appear to be computing one FFT for length N/2, and one for length N. Thus the different results for different length FFTs.
I assume since you are calling vDSP_ctoz
that your data is not in even-odd. If that IS the case, you also need to unpack it after the fft.
From vDSP Programming Guide:
Applications that call the real FFT may have to use two transformation functions, one before the FFT call and one after. This is required if the input array is not in the even-odd split configuration.
Hope that helps.
I am not at all familiar with either AForge or Accelerate, but I did encounter some problems when upgrading FFT libraries in another project dealing with 2D images, which look to me as similar to yours.
It turns out that output data representation from FFT libraries isn't unique, and for some applications the output data is much more convenient if "swapped", so as to put low frequencies in the center rather than in corners.
If you check this page on a FFT algorithm, , you'll notice that both formats are supported, and the swap structure is described (at bottom).
It seems to me that the data you graphed at the right would look much more like the ones on the left, were you to swap (mirror) the right half of the data array around the center.
After the following subroutine
vDSP_ctoz((DSPComplex *)realData, 2, complexData, 1,samplesOver2);
is executed, complexData
has samplesOver2
elements. But soon after that, you call
vDSP_zvabs(complexData, 1, spectrumData, 1, samples);
which expects complexData
to have samples
elements, i.e. twice as many. This cannot be.
Also, how is realData
laid out? I ask because vDSP_ctoz
expects its first argument to be laid out in the form
real0, imag0, real1, imag1, ... real(n-1), imag(n-1).
If your data is indeed real, then imag0, imag1, ... imag(n-1)
should all be 0. If it is not, then vDSP_ctoz
may not be expecting that. (Unless you are packing the real data in some clever way, which would be two [sic] clever by half!)
如果您的数据确实是真实的,那么imag0, imag1,…imag(n-1)应该都是0。如果不是,那么vDSP_ctoz可能并不期待。(除非你用一些聪明的方法来包装真实的数据,否则这将是两个聪明的方法!)
Finally, vDSP_create_fftsetup( 16, 2);
should probably be changed to
vDSP_create_fftsetup(16, 0);
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
My sample code appended in postscript:
FFTSetup fftSetup = vDSP_create_fftsetup(
16, // vDSP_Length __vDSP_log2n,
kFFTRadix2 // FFTRadix __vDSP_radix
// CAUTION: kFFTRadix2 is an enum that is equal to 0
// kFFTRadix5 is an enum that is equal to 2
NSAssert(fftSetup != NULL, @"vDSP_create_fftsetup() failed to allocate storage");
int numSamples = 65536; // numSamples must be an integer power of 2; in this case 65536 = 2 ^ 16
float realData[numSamples];
// Prepare the real data with (ahem) fake data, in this case
// the sum of 3 sinusoidal waves representing a C major chord.
// The fake data is rigged to have a sampling frequency of 44100 Hz (as for a CD).
// As always, the Nyquist frequency is just half the sampling frequency, i.e., 22050 Hz.
for (int i = 0; i < numSamples; i++)
realData[i] = sin(2 * M_PI * 261.76300048828125 * i / 44100.0) // C4 = 261.626 Hz
+ sin(2 * M_PI * 329.72717285156250 * i / 44100.0) // E4 = 329.628 Hz
+ sin(2 * M_PI * 392.30804443359375 * i / 44100.0); // G4 = 391.995 Hz
float splitReal[numSamples / 2];
float splitImag[numSamples / 2];
DSPSplitComplex splitComplex;
splitComplex.realp = splitReal;
splitComplex.imagp = splitImag;
(const DSPComplex *)realData, // const DSPComplex __vDSP_C[],
2, // vDSP_Stride __vDSP_strideC, MUST BE A MULTIPLE OF 2
&splitComplex, // DSPSplitComplex *__vDSP_Z,
1, // vDSP_Stride __vDSP_strideZ,
(numSamples / 2) // vDSP_Length __vDSP_size
fftSetup, // FFTSetup __vDSP_setup,
&splitComplex, // DSPSplitComplex *__vDSP_ioData,
1, // vDSP_Stride __vDSP_stride,
(vDSP_Length)lround(log2(numSamples)), // vDSP_Length __vDSP_log2n,
// FOR OUR EXAMPLE, THIS WOULD BE (numSamples / 2) + (numSamples / 2) = numSamples
kFFTDirection_Forward // FFTDirection __vDSP_direction
printf("DC component = %f\n", splitComplex.realp[0]);
printf("Nyquist component = %f\n\n", splitComplex.imagp[0]);
// Next, we compute the Power Spectral Density (PSD) from the FFT.
// (The PSD is just the magnitude-squared of the FFT.)
// (We don't bother with scaling as we are only interested in relative values of the PSD.)
float powerSpectralDensity[(numSamples / 2) + 1]; // the "+ 1" is to make room for the Nyquist component
// We move the Nyquist component out of splitComplex.imagp[0] and place it
// at the end of the array powerSpectralDensity, squaring it as we go:
powerSpectralDensity[numSamples / 2] = splitComplex.imagp[0] * splitComplex.imagp[0];
// We can now zero out splitComplex.imagp[0] since the imaginary part of the DC component is, in fact, zero:
splitComplex.imagp[0] = 0.0;
// Finally, we compute the squares of the magnitudes of the elements of the FFT:
&splitComplex, // DSPSplitComplex *__vDSP_A,
1, // vDSP_Stride __vDSP_I,
powerSpectralDensity, // float *__vDSP_C,
1, // vDSP_Stride __vDSP_K,
(numSamples / 2) // vDSP_Length __vDSP_N
// We print out a table of the PSD as a function of frequency
// Replace the "< 600" in the for-loop below with "<= (numSamples / 2)" if you want
// the entire spectrum up to and including the Nyquist frequency:
printf("Frequency_in_Hz Power_Spectral_Density\n");
for (int i = 0; i < 600; i++)
printf("%f, %f\n", (i / (float)(numSamples / 2)) * 22050.0, powerSpectralDensity[i]);
// Recall that the array index i = 0 corresponds to zero frequency
// and that i = (numSamples / 2) corresponds to the Nyquist frequency of 22050 Hz.
// Frequency values intermediate between these two limits are scaled proportionally (linearly).
// The output PSD should be zero everywhere except at the three frequencies
// corresponding to the C major triad. It should be something like this:
DC component = -0.000000
Nyquist component = -0.000000
Frequency_in_Hz Power_Spectral_Density
0.000000, 0.000000
0.672913, 0.000000
1.345825, 0.000000
2.018738, 0.000000
2.691650, 0.000000
260.417175, 0.000000
261.090088, 0.000000
261.763000, 4294967296.000000
262.435913, 0.000000
263.108826, 0.000000
328.381348, 0.000000
329.054260, 0.000000
329.727173, 4294967296.000000
330.400085, 0.000000
331.072998, 0.000000
390.962219, 0.000000
391.635132, 0.000000
392.308044, 4294966784.000000
392.980957, 0.000000
393.653870, 0.000000
This line:
vDSP_zvabs(complexData, 1, spectrumData, 1, samples);
should be:
float cr = complexData->realp[0], ci = complexData->imagp[0];
vDSP_zvabs(complexData, 1, spectrumData, 1, samplesOver2);
spectrumData[0] = cr*cr;
spectrumData[samplesOver2] = ci*ci; // See remarks below.
This because the real-to-complex FFT of N samples returns N/2+1 results. Two of the results are real numbers, which are packed into complexData->realp[0] and complexData->imagp[0]. The remaining N/2-1 results are complex numbers, stored normally with the real components in complexData->realp[i] and the imaginary components in complexData->imagp[i], for 0 < i < N/2.
这是因为N个样本的实到复杂FFT返回N/2+1结果。其中两个结果是实数[0]和complexData[0]。其余的N/2-1结果是复数,通常情况下,在complexData->realp[i]中,以及complexData->imagp[i]中的虚组件,为0 < i < N/2。
vDSP_zvabs computes the magnitudes of the complex numbers, except that the first output (in spectrumData[0]) is incorrect due to the packing of two numbers into the [0] elements. Overwriting spectrumData[0] with cr*cr corrects that. You can also write the magnitude of the other packed element (the Nyquist frequency) into spectrumData[samplesOver2], if space has been provided for that.
Some other notes:
spectrumDataSize must be a power of two.
It is not ideal practice to calculate the base-two logarithm as log2f(samples). I think we (Apple) have made log2f return exactly correct results for integer powers of two, but depending on floating-point exactness should be avoided unless care has been taken to be very certain of it.
用log2f(样本)计算基底- 2对数是不理想的。我认为我们(苹果)已经使log2f返回完全正确的两个整数幂的结果,但是,如果不小心谨慎,就应该避免使用浮点精度。
There is no need to dynamically allocate a DSPSplitComplex with “new”. It is POD (plain old data) containing just two pointers, so you can simply declare “DSPSplitComplex complexData” and use it as a struct, rather than a pointer to a struct.
没有必要动态地分配一个带有“new”的DSPSplitComplex。它是只包含两个指针的POD(普通旧数据),因此您可以简单地声明“DSPSplitComplex complexData”,并将其用作struct,而不是指向struct的指针。
Some thoughts..
一些想法. .
int numberOfInputSamples = ..;
int numberOfInputSamplesOver2 = numberOfInputSamples/2;
fftSetup = vDSP_create_fftsetup( log2(numberOfInputSamples), FFT_RADIX2 );
Float32 scale = (Float32) 1.0 / (2 * numberOfInputSamples);
float *spectrumData = (float *)calloc( numberOfInputSamplesOver2, sizeof(float));
vDSP_zvabs( complexData, 1, spectrumData, 1, numberOfInputSamplesOver2 );
so at the end you will have numberOfInputSamplesOver2 float magnitudes, right?
(technically it is numberOfInputSamplesOver2+1 but the whole packing thing is another question)
You appear to be computing one FFT for length N/2, and one for length N. Thus the different results for different length FFTs.
I assume since you are calling vDSP_ctoz
that your data is not in even-odd. If that IS the case, you also need to unpack it after the fft.
From vDSP Programming Guide:
Applications that call the real FFT may have to use two transformation functions, one before the FFT call and one after. This is required if the input array is not in the even-odd split configuration.
Hope that helps.
I am not at all familiar with either AForge or Accelerate, but I did encounter some problems when upgrading FFT libraries in another project dealing with 2D images, which look to me as similar to yours.
It turns out that output data representation from FFT libraries isn't unique, and for some applications the output data is much more convenient if "swapped", so as to put low frequencies in the center rather than in corners.
If you check this page on a FFT algorithm, , you'll notice that both formats are supported, and the swap structure is described (at bottom).
It seems to me that the data you graphed at the right would look much more like the ones on the left, were you to swap (mirror) the right half of the data array around the center.