
时间:2021-10-31 15:59:31

I am using coredata so I need sort descriptors for my entities


For example, a Coordinate-entity has this class func:


class func sortDescriptors() -> Array<NSSortDescriptor>
    return [NSSortDescriptor(key: "sequence", ascending: true)]

I am using this when doing fetch-requests to CoreData like this:


var request = NSFetchRequest(entityName: entityName)

request.sortDescriptors = T.sortDescriptors()

However, when I have an array of coordinates as a property on another coredata object, this is an NSSet (I.e. unsorted)


To solve this, I am returning the coordinates like this:


return NSArray(array: coordinates!).sortedArrayUsingDescriptors(Coordinate.sortDescriptors()) as? Array<Coordinate>

Which feels ugly, to use an NSArray just to get the sortedArrayUsingDescriptors-method. Is there a similar way to do this directly on a Swift-array, I.e. Array<Coordinate> by using sort descriptors?

用NSArray来获取sortedarrayusingdescriptors方法,感觉很难看。是否有一种类似的方法可以直接在一个Swift-array(即数组 通过使用排序描述符)上执行此操作?

Thank you!


3 个解决方案



There is no built-in method for this, but you can add them using protocol extension:


extension MutableCollectionType where Index : RandomAccessIndexType, Generator.Element : AnyObject {
    /// Sort `self` in-place using criteria stored in a NSSortDescriptors array
    public mutating func sortInPlace(sortDescriptors theSortDescs: [NSSortDescriptor]) {
        sortInPlace {
            for sortDesc in theSortDescs {
                switch sortDesc.compareObject($0, toObject: $1) {
                case .OrderedAscending: return true
                case .OrderedDescending: return false
                case .OrderedSame: continue
            return false

extension SequenceType where Generator.Element : AnyObject {
    /// Return an `Array` containing the sorted elements of `source`
    /// using criteria stored in a NSSortDescriptors array.
    public func sort(sortDescriptors theSortDescs: [NSSortDescriptor]) -> [Self.Generator.Element] {
        return sort {
            for sortDesc in theSortDescs {
                switch sortDesc.compareObject($0, toObject: $1) {
                case .OrderedAscending: return true
                case .OrderedDescending: return false
                case .OrderedSame: continue
            return false

But note that this will work only when the array elements are classes, not structures, as NSSortDescriptor compareObject method requires arguments conforming to AnyObject

但是请注意,这只在数组元素是类而不是结构时才会起作用,因为NSSortDescriptor compareObject方法需要符合AnyObject的参数



Another approach to the nice extensions of Damien could be a multi-cast.


myArray = (myArray as NSArray).sortedArrayUsingDescriptors(tableView.sortDescriptors) as! Array

Original source: NSHipster




Swift 3 Version of @Darniel's answer

Swift 3版本的@Darniel的回答

extension MutableCollection where Self : RandomAccessCollection {
    /// Sort `self` in-place using criteria stored in a NSSortDescriptors array
    public mutating func sort(sortDescriptors theSortDescs: [NSSortDescriptor]) {
        sort { by:
            for sortDesc in theSortDescs {
                switch sortDesc.compare($0, to: $1) {
                case .orderedAscending: return true
                case .orderedDescending: return false
                case .orderedSame: continue
            return false


extension Sequence where Iterator.Element : AnyObject {
    /// Return an `Array` containing the sorted elements of `source`
    /// using criteria stored in a NSSortDescriptors array.

    public func sorted(sortDescriptors theSortDescs: [NSSortDescriptor]) -> [Self.Iterator.Element] {
        return sorted {
            for sortDesc in theSortDescs {
                switch sortDesc.compare($0, to: $1) {
                case .orderedAscending: return true
                case .orderedDescending: return false
                case .orderedSame: continue
            return false



There is no built-in method for this, but you can add them using protocol extension:


extension MutableCollectionType where Index : RandomAccessIndexType, Generator.Element : AnyObject {
    /// Sort `self` in-place using criteria stored in a NSSortDescriptors array
    public mutating func sortInPlace(sortDescriptors theSortDescs: [NSSortDescriptor]) {
        sortInPlace {
            for sortDesc in theSortDescs {
                switch sortDesc.compareObject($0, toObject: $1) {
                case .OrderedAscending: return true
                case .OrderedDescending: return false
                case .OrderedSame: continue
            return false

extension SequenceType where Generator.Element : AnyObject {
    /// Return an `Array` containing the sorted elements of `source`
    /// using criteria stored in a NSSortDescriptors array.
    public func sort(sortDescriptors theSortDescs: [NSSortDescriptor]) -> [Self.Generator.Element] {
        return sort {
            for sortDesc in theSortDescs {
                switch sortDesc.compareObject($0, toObject: $1) {
                case .OrderedAscending: return true
                case .OrderedDescending: return false
                case .OrderedSame: continue
            return false

But note that this will work only when the array elements are classes, not structures, as NSSortDescriptor compareObject method requires arguments conforming to AnyObject

但是请注意,这只在数组元素是类而不是结构时才会起作用,因为NSSortDescriptor compareObject方法需要符合AnyObject的参数



Another approach to the nice extensions of Damien could be a multi-cast.


myArray = (myArray as NSArray).sortedArrayUsingDescriptors(tableView.sortDescriptors) as! Array

Original source: NSHipster




Swift 3 Version of @Darniel's answer

Swift 3版本的@Darniel的回答

extension MutableCollection where Self : RandomAccessCollection {
    /// Sort `self` in-place using criteria stored in a NSSortDescriptors array
    public mutating func sort(sortDescriptors theSortDescs: [NSSortDescriptor]) {
        sort { by:
            for sortDesc in theSortDescs {
                switch sortDesc.compare($0, to: $1) {
                case .orderedAscending: return true
                case .orderedDescending: return false
                case .orderedSame: continue
            return false


extension Sequence where Iterator.Element : AnyObject {
    /// Return an `Array` containing the sorted elements of `source`
    /// using criteria stored in a NSSortDescriptors array.

    public func sorted(sortDescriptors theSortDescs: [NSSortDescriptor]) -> [Self.Iterator.Element] {
        return sorted {
            for sortDesc in theSortDescs {
                switch sortDesc.compare($0, to: $1) {
                case .orderedAscending: return true
                case .orderedDescending: return false
                case .orderedSame: continue
            return false