
时间:2022-12-03 15:57:08

I am New to Matlab and I am stuck in efficiently solving the following problem.


I have two arrays (both of them 2D) and I want to check array1 col by col to know how many elements appear in each col of array2 (compare col to col)

我有两个数组(都是2D的)我想检查array1 col by col看看array2的每个col有多少元素

for example



    'a1'  'b1'    'c1'   
    'd1'  'e1'    'f1'

    'a1'   'a1'   'b1'  'b1'  'a1' 
    'd1'   'd1'   'c1'  'd1'  'c1'
    'c1'   'c1'   'b1'  'd1'  'd1'

I am trying to get the following output


2 elements from array1 col1 appear in array2 col1
2 elements from array1 col1 appear in array2 col2
0 elements from array1 col1 appear in array2 col3
1 elements from array1 col1 appear in array2 col4
2 elements from array1 col1 appear in array2 col5

0 elements from array1 col2 appear in array2 col1
0 elements from array1 col2 appear in array2 col2
1 elements from array1 col2 appear in array2 col3
1 elements from array1 col2 appear in array2 col4
0 elements from array1 col2 appear in array2 col5

1 elements from array1 col3 appear in array2 col1
1 elements from array1 col3 appear in array2 col2
1 elements from array1 col3 appear in array2 col3
0 elements from array1 col3 appear in array2 col4
1 elements from array1 col3 appear in array2 col5
and so on

now I tried to do the below ugly code getting partial output


for i=1:size(Array1,2)
   for m=1:size(Array1,1)
     element = Array1(i,m);

     indx =find(ismember(Array2,element));
     Array_match(indx) = Array_match(indx) + 1;
    for s=2:size(Array1,1)
    if  length(char(Array1(s,i))) > 0 
        tt= tt + 1;
    Indx2 = find((Array_match) > tt);

2 个解决方案



Apply unique to the concatenation of both arrays to transform the cells into numeric labels. Remove repeated values in each column of the second array. Then test for equality with bsxfun and aggregate results for each combination of columns:


[~, ~, labels] = unique({array1{:} array2{:}});
a1 = reshape(labels(1:numel(array1)),size(array1)); %// array1 as numeric labels
a2 = reshape(labels(numel(array1)+1:end), size(array2)); %// same for array2
a2 = sort(a2);
a2(diff([NaN(1,size(a2,2)); a2])==0) = NaN; %// remove repeated values
m = bsxfun(@eq, permute(a1, [1 3 2]), permute(a2, [3 1 4 2])); %// find matches
result = squeeze(sum(reshape(m, [],size(a1,2),size(a2,2)), 1));

In your rexample this gives


result =
     2     2     0     1     2
     0     0     1     1     0
     1     1     1     0     1



Assuming that the input cell arrays have all the cells of single character strings, this might work for you -


%// Input cell arrays
array1 = {
    'a1' 'b1' 'c1'   
    'd1' 'e1' 'f1'}

array2 = {
        'a1'   'a1'   'b1'  'b1'  'a1' 
    'd1'   'd1'   'c1'  'd1'  'c1'
    'c1'   'c1'   'b1'  'd1'  'd1'}

%// Convert input cell arrays to numeric arrays
array1n = char(array1)-0
array1n = reshape(array1n(:,1) * 1000 + array1n(:,2),size(array1))

array2n = char(array2)-0
array2n = reshape(array2n(:,1) * 1000 + array2n(:,2),size(array2))

out = squeeze(sum(any(bsxfun(@eq,array2n,permute(array1n,[3 4 1 2])),1),3))

Output -


out =
     2     0     1
     2     0     1
     0     1     1
     1     1     0
     2     0     1



Apply unique to the concatenation of both arrays to transform the cells into numeric labels. Remove repeated values in each column of the second array. Then test for equality with bsxfun and aggregate results for each combination of columns:


[~, ~, labels] = unique({array1{:} array2{:}});
a1 = reshape(labels(1:numel(array1)),size(array1)); %// array1 as numeric labels
a2 = reshape(labels(numel(array1)+1:end), size(array2)); %// same for array2
a2 = sort(a2);
a2(diff([NaN(1,size(a2,2)); a2])==0) = NaN; %// remove repeated values
m = bsxfun(@eq, permute(a1, [1 3 2]), permute(a2, [3 1 4 2])); %// find matches
result = squeeze(sum(reshape(m, [],size(a1,2),size(a2,2)), 1));

In your rexample this gives


result =
     2     2     0     1     2
     0     0     1     1     0
     1     1     1     0     1



Assuming that the input cell arrays have all the cells of single character strings, this might work for you -


%// Input cell arrays
array1 = {
    'a1' 'b1' 'c1'   
    'd1' 'e1' 'f1'}

array2 = {
        'a1'   'a1'   'b1'  'b1'  'a1' 
    'd1'   'd1'   'c1'  'd1'  'c1'
    'c1'   'c1'   'b1'  'd1'  'd1'}

%// Convert input cell arrays to numeric arrays
array1n = char(array1)-0
array1n = reshape(array1n(:,1) * 1000 + array1n(:,2),size(array1))

array2n = char(array2)-0
array2n = reshape(array2n(:,1) * 1000 + array2n(:,2),size(array2))

out = squeeze(sum(any(bsxfun(@eq,array2n,permute(array1n,[3 4 1 2])),1),3))

Output -


out =
     2     0     1
     2     0     1
     0     1     1
     1     1     0
     2     0     1