从Core Data Attribute Swift声明一个数组

时间:2022-05-30 15:57:34

I have an Entity named: Transaction and an Attribute named: amount. I would like to declare an array from amount attribute that can using the summing an array sample code


sum = array_name.reduce(0,+)

sum = array_name.reduce(0,+)

I am trying to do this way to declare an array from Attribute


var amountArray = 
 (self.transactionsArray as NSArray).value(forKey: "amount") as! NSArray
sum = amountArray.reduce(0,+)

but it's not working and throw the error


Ambiguous reference to member '+'

1 个解决方案



Using Swift 4, @MartinR's suggestion should work. If it doesn't, you should provide more information about your code, maybe specifically about the details of Transaction, the type of the amount variable, and about the exact nature of transactionsArray.

使用Swift 4,@ MartinR的建议应该有效。如果没有,您应该提供有关您的代码的更多信息,可能具体关于Transaction的详细信息,amount变量的类型以及transactionsArray的确切性质。

Assuming that transactionsArray is declared as the non-optional [Transaction] and that amount is one of the Core Data numeric types,

假设transactionsArray被声明为非可选[Transaction],并且该数量是Core Data数字类型之一,

let sum = transactionsArray.reduce(0) { $0 + $1.amount }

...is correct. You might make it slightly more explicit by declaring the type of sum:


let sum : Double = transactionsArray.reduce(0) { $0 + $1.amount }

(Make sure to use the same type as amount here, I'm just guessing Double).


It's possible to get the sum with an NSArray and the @sum operator, for example


if let sum = (transactionsArray as NSArray).value(forKeyPath:"@sum.amount") as? Double {

The as? Double is needed because of the lack of type info on NSArray that @vadian mentioned.




Using Swift 4, @MartinR's suggestion should work. If it doesn't, you should provide more information about your code, maybe specifically about the details of Transaction, the type of the amount variable, and about the exact nature of transactionsArray.

使用Swift 4,@ MartinR的建议应该有效。如果没有,您应该提供有关您的代码的更多信息,可能具体关于Transaction的详细信息,amount变量的类型以及transactionsArray的确切性质。

Assuming that transactionsArray is declared as the non-optional [Transaction] and that amount is one of the Core Data numeric types,

假设transactionsArray被声明为非可选[Transaction],并且该数量是Core Data数字类型之一,

let sum = transactionsArray.reduce(0) { $0 + $1.amount }

...is correct. You might make it slightly more explicit by declaring the type of sum:


let sum : Double = transactionsArray.reduce(0) { $0 + $1.amount }

(Make sure to use the same type as amount here, I'm just guessing Double).


It's possible to get the sum with an NSArray and the @sum operator, for example


if let sum = (transactionsArray as NSArray).value(forKeyPath:"@sum.amount") as? Double {

The as? Double is needed because of the lack of type info on NSArray that @vadian mentioned.
