开源Jalopy Eclipse插件是否与Ganymede兼容?

时间:2021-11-15 12:07:42

After much searching, I found the download for the eclipse version of jalopy. Is this compatible with Eclipse 3.4? It's dated 2006.

经过多次搜索,我找到了日食版jalopy的下载。这与Eclipse 3.4兼容吗?这是2006年的日期。

I've copied the extracted folder to my plugins directory and run eclipse -clean, but I can't find anything matching 'jalopy' in preferences.

我已经将解压缩的文件夹复制到我的插件目录并运行eclipse -clean,但我找不到任何与首选项匹配的'jalopy'。

If it's not compatible, are there any (free) alternatives?


3 个解决方案



Just an update:


Note: the latest eclipse3.5 Galileo code formatter now:

注意:最新的eclipse3.5 Galileo代码格式化器现在:

  • supports most of Jalopy formatting option.
  • 支持大多数Jalopy格式化选项。

  • has made quite a few improvement on formatters (look for the term 'formatter' in those building notes of jdt-core.
  • 在格式化程序上做了很多改进(在jdt-core的构建说明中查找术语'formatter')。

It also can be run from the command-line if needed.


For a specific formatting option which would not be correctly managed by eclipse, you can define a codeFormatter extension point. More practical details in this SO question.




i'm told that open source version of jalopy is not for commercial use.


eclipse itself has good source code formatting capabilities. Go to java | preferences/settings. type format and you should see the various options.

eclipse本身具有良好的源代码格式化功能。转到java |首选项/设置。类型格式,你应该看到各种选项。



The answer is 'yes'. Preferences are in Window > Jalopy Preferences, and it's run from the right click context menu. Seems a little buggy, though.

答案是'是'。首选项位于Window> Jalopy Preferences中,它从右键单击上下文菜单运行。但是,似乎有点儿车。



Just an update:


Note: the latest eclipse3.5 Galileo code formatter now:

注意:最新的eclipse3.5 Galileo代码格式化器现在:

  • supports most of Jalopy formatting option.
  • 支持大多数Jalopy格式化选项。

  • has made quite a few improvement on formatters (look for the term 'formatter' in those building notes of jdt-core.
  • 在格式化程序上做了很多改进(在jdt-core的构建说明中查找术语'formatter')。

It also can be run from the command-line if needed.


For a specific formatting option which would not be correctly managed by eclipse, you can define a codeFormatter extension point. More practical details in this SO question.




i'm told that open source version of jalopy is not for commercial use.


eclipse itself has good source code formatting capabilities. Go to java | preferences/settings. type format and you should see the various options.

eclipse本身具有良好的源代码格式化功能。转到java |首选项/设置。类型格式,你应该看到各种选项。



The answer is 'yes'. Preferences are in Window > Jalopy Preferences, and it's run from the right click context menu. Seems a little buggy, though.

答案是'是'。首选项位于Window> Jalopy Preferences中,它从右键单击上下文菜单运行。但是,似乎有点儿车。