使用Javascript访问MS CRM 4.0中IFrame中加载的页面上的控件

时间:2021-01-09 15:52:23

I have a custom aspx page loaded in a IFrame in one of the modules in MS CRM 4.0. This page basically has 6 textboxes (txtValue1, txtValue2 and so on..) with values in it. I want to access these values through javascript code either on the load event or save event. Does anybody know how to do it ? I tried couple of codes that i got from net but nothing seems to work. Any help on this would appreciated.

我在MS CRM 4.0的一个模块中的IFrame中加载了一个自定义的aspx页面。这个页面基本上有6个文本框(txtValue1,txtValue2等等......),其中包含值。我想通过加载事件或保存事件的javascript代码访问这些值。有谁知道怎么做?我尝试了几个从网上获得的代码,但似乎没有任何效果。对此有任何帮助表示赞赏。

2 个解决方案



Try the following snippet...


var textBox1Value = document.frames.IFRAME_NAME.document.all.txtValue1.value;

where IFRAME_NAME is the name of the IFRAME you define in the form customizations and txtValue1 is the id of the textbox on the IFRAME.




One little gotcha that's worth noting is that accessing the iframe via the document's frames collection won't let you read or write the src or url properties that I find myself dynamically changing every now and again. To access and change the properties, you'll need to access the iframe via getElementById.


var yourIframe = document.getElementById('IFRAME_NAME');

Note that if you access the iframe as above and you want to call a function that is available to the iframe's scripts, you have to call it via the contentWindow property:





Try the following snippet...


var textBox1Value = document.frames.IFRAME_NAME.document.all.txtValue1.value;

where IFRAME_NAME is the name of the IFRAME you define in the form customizations and txtValue1 is the id of the textbox on the IFRAME.




One little gotcha that's worth noting is that accessing the iframe via the document's frames collection won't let you read or write the src or url properties that I find myself dynamically changing every now and again. To access and change the properties, you'll need to access the iframe via getElementById.


var yourIframe = document.getElementById('IFRAME_NAME');

Note that if you access the iframe as above and you want to call a function that is available to the iframe's scripts, you have to call it via the contentWindow property:

