应用程序中的Visual C#“设置编辑器”?

时间:2022-09-20 15:54:26

Is there an easy way to wrap a "Preferences Panel" thing around the Settings.settings file (or any other settings file)?


Basically I have a bunch of strings stored in Settings.settings, and want to have a form where the user can edit these..


I could add a bunch of TextBoxes, and have a button that does Properties.blah = this.blahInput.Text; Properties.Save(); for each, but this feels like reinventing the wheel..

我可以添加一堆TextBoxes,并有一个按钮,它可以执行Properties.blah = this.blahInput.Text; Properties.Save();对于每一个,但这感觉像重新发明*..

Edit: The PropertyGrid control (as suggested by bassfriend's) seems perfect, but I cannot work out how to bind the property grid's SelectedObject to Properties.Settings.Default - When I try I get the following error:

编辑:PropertyGrid控件(由bassfriend的建议)似乎很完美,但我无法弄清楚如何将属性网格的SelectedObject绑定到Properties.Settings.Default - 当我尝试时,我得到以下错误:

Cannot implicitly convert type 'MyProject.Properties.Settings' to 'object[]'

3 个解决方案


Maybe you want to take a look at the PropertyGrid Control.



I had no problem:


        propertyGrid1.SelectedObject = Properties.Settings.Default;

I did have to change the visibility to Public in the Settings Designer.

我必须在Settings Designer中将可见性更改为Public。


Maybe you need to use the Settings.Default.Properties property? That returns SettingsPropertyCollection which should be convertable to an object[].

也许你需要使用Settings.Default.Properties属性?返回SettingsPropertyCollection,它应该可以转换为object []。


Maybe you want to take a look at the PropertyGrid Control.



I had no problem:


        propertyGrid1.SelectedObject = Properties.Settings.Default;

I did have to change the visibility to Public in the Settings Designer.

我必须在Settings Designer中将可见性更改为Public。


Maybe you need to use the Settings.Default.Properties property? That returns SettingsPropertyCollection which should be convertable to an object[].

也许你需要使用Settings.Default.Properties属性?返回SettingsPropertyCollection,它应该可以转换为object []。