自定义从本机.NET控件派生的ControlDesigners for Control的行为

时间:2022-07-03 15:53:19

My question is related to this question: Baseline snaplines in custom Winforms controls


However, in my case, I have created a new control that derives from TextBox rather than containing a TextBox. I would like to have a custom ControlDesigner, but I would like to modify the behavior of the TextBox's designer rather than having to write a complete designer myself. In particular, I'd like to be able to return the TextBox's SnapLines while providing some custom verbs. Is there a good way to do this?


EDIT: To clarify, this is for Windows Forms in .NET 2.0.

编辑:澄清一下,这是针对.NET 2.0中的Windows窗体。

2 个解决方案


In the end, the solution I settled on was to create a dummy control in the designer, sync the relevant properties with the real control, get the designer for the dummy control, and then return the snaplines from the dummy control's designer. It's a terrible hack, but it seems to be the only way without using reflection to "extend" a designer.



What about having your ControlDesigner derive from the one that TextBox is using? Did you try that and find a problem?



In the end, the solution I settled on was to create a dummy control in the designer, sync the relevant properties with the real control, get the designer for the dummy control, and then return the snaplines from the dummy control's designer. It's a terrible hack, but it seems to be the only way without using reflection to "extend" a designer.



What about having your ControlDesigner derive from the one that TextBox is using? Did you try that and find a problem?
