
时间:2022-01-21 15:50:09

I need to rotate my custom control in Windows Form using C# without using third-party libraries.


Don't want to either rotate the text or image of control instead actually need to entirely rotate control.


4 个解决方案



It is possible if you can get control of the painting, but you have to do a lot of the work yourself. Basically it all occurs on painting. A good example demonstrating how to do it is the Dock Panel Suite for WinForms.

如果你可以控制绘画,你就有可能,但你必须自己做很多工作。基本上这一切都发生在绘画上。演示如何操作的一个很好的例子是用于WinForms的Dock Panel Suite。

In the VS2005AutoHideStrip (found here), there is a GetTransformedRectangle method that uses a System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix class to rotate a rectangle.


It also sets the Transform property on the Graphics class, which will apply transformations automatically when you ask for something to be painted.


I advise reviewing this code for examples, it does it to draw docked tab strips down the sides of the page as opposed to top / bottom.


Some controls like TextBox are funny in that they borrow heavily from low-level Win32 libraries in their painting / behaviour, I've no idea if it is possible to get enough control to rotate this.



From here:Is it possible to rotate a button control in WinForms? 5 up vote accepted


You can't rotate controls. That's simply not supported by the native API controls that WinForms uses.

您无法旋转控件。 WinForms使用的本机API控件根本不支持这一点。

And one might wonder why it even should be supported. What could you possibly be trying to do that you'd need to rotate a button control? It would be much easier to draw it in a different place with a different shape in the first place, rather than trying to rotate an existing control. (Do note that you can also resize and reposition a control at run-time, if that would fit your needs. Investigate the Size and Location properties.)

人们可能想知道为什么它应该得到支持。您可能想要做什么,您需要旋转按钮控件?首先将它绘制在具有不同形状的不同位置更容易,而不是尝试旋转现有控件。 (请注意,如果符合您的需要,您还可以在运行时调整控件的大小和重新定位。调查大小和位置属性。)

The only workaround is to draw the control's image to a bitmap, hide the control, and draw the bitmap onto the form in the location you want it to appear. Of course, that won't result in a control that the user can interact with. They won't be able to click an image of a button, because it's not a real button. If that's acceptable to you, you should probably be using an image in the first place, rather than a button.




It is not possible to rotate controls. This is not supported by WinForms' controls API. As you are dealing with a custom control, try simply redrawing it to suit your purposes.

无法旋转控件。 WinForms的控件API不支持此功能。在处理自定义控件时,只需重新绘制它以适合您的目的。



I am pretty sure you can not perform this in windows forms at least not easily. However you can perform this in WPF and then bring WPF to your windows Form if you are looking for cool designs or even special effects to your controls.


This is FAR more easily done in WPF. In Windows Form, it's a huage pain to pull off.


Hope this help




It is possible if you can get control of the painting, but you have to do a lot of the work yourself. Basically it all occurs on painting. A good example demonstrating how to do it is the Dock Panel Suite for WinForms.

如果你可以控制绘画,你就有可能,但你必须自己做很多工作。基本上这一切都发生在绘画上。演示如何操作的一个很好的例子是用于WinForms的Dock Panel Suite。

In the VS2005AutoHideStrip (found here), there is a GetTransformedRectangle method that uses a System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix class to rotate a rectangle.


It also sets the Transform property on the Graphics class, which will apply transformations automatically when you ask for something to be painted.


I advise reviewing this code for examples, it does it to draw docked tab strips down the sides of the page as opposed to top / bottom.


Some controls like TextBox are funny in that they borrow heavily from low-level Win32 libraries in their painting / behaviour, I've no idea if it is possible to get enough control to rotate this.



From here:Is it possible to rotate a button control in WinForms? 5 up vote accepted


You can't rotate controls. That's simply not supported by the native API controls that WinForms uses.

您无法旋转控件。 WinForms使用的本机API控件根本不支持这一点。

And one might wonder why it even should be supported. What could you possibly be trying to do that you'd need to rotate a button control? It would be much easier to draw it in a different place with a different shape in the first place, rather than trying to rotate an existing control. (Do note that you can also resize and reposition a control at run-time, if that would fit your needs. Investigate the Size and Location properties.)

人们可能想知道为什么它应该得到支持。您可能想要做什么,您需要旋转按钮控件?首先将它绘制在具有不同形状的不同位置更容易,而不是尝试旋转现有控件。 (请注意,如果符合您的需要,您还可以在运行时调整控件的大小和重新定位。调查大小和位置属性。)

The only workaround is to draw the control's image to a bitmap, hide the control, and draw the bitmap onto the form in the location you want it to appear. Of course, that won't result in a control that the user can interact with. They won't be able to click an image of a button, because it's not a real button. If that's acceptable to you, you should probably be using an image in the first place, rather than a button.




It is not possible to rotate controls. This is not supported by WinForms' controls API. As you are dealing with a custom control, try simply redrawing it to suit your purposes.

无法旋转控件。 WinForms的控件API不支持此功能。在处理自定义控件时,只需重新绘制它以适合您的目的。



I am pretty sure you can not perform this in windows forms at least not easily. However you can perform this in WPF and then bring WPF to your windows Form if you are looking for cool designs or even special effects to your controls.


This is FAR more easily done in WPF. In Windows Form, it's a huage pain to pull off.


Hope this help
