
时间:2022-03-25 15:50:46

(This is probably a dumb question AND a WTF combined, but here goes nothing)


I want to 'draw' lines or areas in my interface - typically separators inside a TableLayoutPanel. Currently what I do is just dump a Panel in the row and set it to Dock=Fill and give it the background required colour.

我想在我的界面中“绘制”线条或区域 - 通常是TableLayoutPanel内的分隔符。目前我所做的只是将一个Panel转储到行中并将其设置为Dock = Fill并为其提供所需的背景颜色。

Just before doing the same thing, I wondered if another control (Label?) might be more lightweight. Or maybe I should just roll my own by inheriting from Control?


Any other solutions?


4 个解决方案


I would inherit from Control and create your own as all other controls including Label and Panel directly or indirectly inherit from Control. This also allows you to encapsulate the functionality separate from the others.


I also think you could also override the Paint event for your TableLayoutPanel, or inherit from this, make it your own and draw the lines.



I would have a look at the ControlPaint class which has several methods to draw lines etc. that are specifically targetted to draw system-alike lines. Override the paint event or inherit it as Daniel says and draw the lines in there.



Here's an out-of-the-box solution from Microsoft.


Check out Visual Basic PowerPack 3.0. Don't worry too much about the name - these are components from the Visual Basic Team, but they work just fine for C# developers too.

查看Visual Basic PowerPack 3.0。不要过分担心名称 - 这些是Visual Basic团队的组件,但它们也适用于C#开发人员。

One of the components included is LineShape, which does exactly what you'd expect from the name.


If you're targeting earlier versions of the framework, you could include the assembly with your application. But, if you're targeting 3.5 SP1 or higher, the powerpack is included.

如果您的目标是早期版本的框架,则可以在应用程序中包含程序集。但是,如果您的目标是3.5 SP1或更高,则包含powerpack。


Why do you want to write your own? This seems like premature optimization to me. Also you need to define what you mean by lightweight, memory usage, processor cycles, etc. If you’re really that concerned about performance I’d inherit from control but I wouldn’t go down this route unless testing shows your current solution doesn’t work for some reason.



I would inherit from Control and create your own as all other controls including Label and Panel directly or indirectly inherit from Control. This also allows you to encapsulate the functionality separate from the others.


I also think you could also override the Paint event for your TableLayoutPanel, or inherit from this, make it your own and draw the lines.



I would have a look at the ControlPaint class which has several methods to draw lines etc. that are specifically targetted to draw system-alike lines. Override the paint event or inherit it as Daniel says and draw the lines in there.



Here's an out-of-the-box solution from Microsoft.


Check out Visual Basic PowerPack 3.0. Don't worry too much about the name - these are components from the Visual Basic Team, but they work just fine for C# developers too.

查看Visual Basic PowerPack 3.0。不要过分担心名称 - 这些是Visual Basic团队的组件,但它们也适用于C#开发人员。

One of the components included is LineShape, which does exactly what you'd expect from the name.


If you're targeting earlier versions of the framework, you could include the assembly with your application. But, if you're targeting 3.5 SP1 or higher, the powerpack is included.

如果您的目标是早期版本的框架,则可以在应用程序中包含程序集。但是,如果您的目标是3.5 SP1或更高,则包含powerpack。


Why do you want to write your own? This seems like premature optimization to me. Also you need to define what you mean by lightweight, memory usage, processor cycles, etc. If you’re really that concerned about performance I’d inherit from control but I wouldn’t go down this route unless testing shows your current solution doesn’t work for some reason.
