Google Analytics _trackPageview AJAX要求100%的跳出率

时间:2021-08-22 15:50:09

I have a form (made up of a few stages) that is loaded via ajax, and as I move between stages I want to track it in Google Analytics as a PageView. I have this working ok, but I am getting an overall bounce rate below 100% (~30%), which is fine. But when I look at the individual pages, they all seem to have a bounce rate of 100%. I am not too sure if this is normal, or should I expect different bounce rates? I have included some snippets below.

我有一个表单(由几个阶段组成)通过ajax加载,当我在各阶段之间移动时,我想在Google Analytics中将其作为PageView进行跟踪。我有这个工作正常,但我的整体跳出率低于100%(~30%),这很好。但是当我查看各个页面时,它们的跳出率似乎都是100%。我不太确定这是否正常,或者我是否应该期望不同的跳出率?我在下面添加了一些片段。





//Run at the start
_gat._createTracker('UA-xxxxxxxx-4', 'myTracker');
var _gaq = _gaq || [];
_gaq.push(['myTracker._setAccount', 'UA-xxxxxxxx-4']);
_gaq.push(['myTracker._setDomainName', '']);

//This is run when a stage loads up.
_gaq.push(['myTracker._trackPageview', '/form/stage[X]/']);

//This code is run within each stage to capture elements of the form being completed
_gaq.push(['myTracker._trackEvent', 'Test', "value"]);

1 个解决方案



Bounce rate issues like the one you are seeing are typically the result of cookie-domain issues. If you're trying to isolate the top-level www domain, I would try passing 'none' as the argument for _setDomainName. 'trackPageview' both creates and reads cookies, so I'm guessing it's creating duplicate sets of '_utm' cookies on your site.

您所看到的跳出率问题通常是Cookie域问题的结果。如果你试图孤立​​*www域,我会尝试传递'none'作为_setDomainName的参数。 'trackPageview'既创建又读取cookie,所以我猜它会在你的网站上创建重复的'_utm'cookie集。

Check out the documentation for '_setDomainName', specifically the section on isolating top-level domains, at:




Bounce rate issues like the one you are seeing are typically the result of cookie-domain issues. If you're trying to isolate the top-level www domain, I would try passing 'none' as the argument for _setDomainName. 'trackPageview' both creates and reads cookies, so I'm guessing it's creating duplicate sets of '_utm' cookies on your site.

您所看到的跳出率问题通常是Cookie域问题的结果。如果你试图孤立​​*www域,我会尝试传递'none'作为_setDomainName的参数。 'trackPageview'既创建又读取cookie,所以我猜它会在你的网站上创建重复的'_utm'cookie集。

Check out the documentation for '_setDomainName', specifically the section on isolating top-level domains, at:
