Flurry Analytics和Angularjs不会在仪表板中显示更改

时间:2021-12-13 15:51:11

I added Flurry to my Angularjs project following this link and I added a couple of events.


In the View:


<div class="row button no-gutters">
    <button analytics-on="click" analytics-event="Button search action" analytics-category="Commands" class="buttonSubmit" ng-click="searchAction()"</button>

In the Controller:


$analytics.eventTrack('in home');

Automatically this two events appears in my Flurry Dashboard and are showed in the Event Logs:

这两个事件自动显示在我的Flurry Dashboard中,并显示在事件日志中:

Flurry Analytics和Angularjs不会在仪表板中显示更改

But in "Event Summary" of my Flurry Dashboard all values is always 0 and don't change. I don't have any errors in the web browser console.

但在我的Flurry Dashboard的“事件摘要”中,所有值始终为0且不会更改。我在Web浏览器控制台中没有任何错误。

Flurry Analytics和Angularjs不会在仪表板中显示更改

This values should be change, right? Any idea?


1 个解决方案



Solved! Flurry needs 24h for update all statistics.

解决了! Flurry需要24小时才能更新所有统计数据。

I don't delete this question because it's a bit confusing that Flurry doesn't update all statistics (event logs appears before all statistics) in real time the first time.




Solved! Flurry needs 24h for update all statistics.

解决了! Flurry需要24小时才能更新所有统计数据。

I don't delete this question because it's a bit confusing that Flurry doesn't update all statistics (event logs appears before all statistics) in real time the first time.
