
时间:2022-12-04 15:51:09

I'm beginning to work on mailing-list software we use internally (EDIT: though we send emails externally as well, so we can't enforce policy on mail clients). Is there any way to track whether, when I send an email to a particular user, that email has been opened as opposed to being marked as junk or being deleted without being opened?


The simplest approach that I thought of was to serve a one-pixel custom image that would need to be loaded from our servers, but a number of mail clients block this approach. Is there an alternate approach that gets better data?


10 个解决方案



Mail clients block pretty much all of these kinds of attempts. The best idea is to give them an image that they would want to see if they read the message, and therefore they choose to display images in their mail client.




There is no bulletproof way to check if a user has read your mail. And there shouldn't be IMO.




I have been looking for an answer to this question for a few weeks now and found several options out there. The one I like will send the 'open' data to Google Analytics.


The image below should be inserted into the body of your email. Each person I send an email to has a unique customer number so i can see opens/unique opens but it must not identify a specific customer according to Google's terms.

下面的图片应该插入到你的邮件正文中。我发送邮件给的每个人都有一个唯一的客户号,这样我就可以看到open /unique open,但它不能根据谷歌的条款识别特定的客户。

            <img src="http://www.google-analytics.com/collect?v=1
                " />



You can ask for a read receipt (an email feature), but most users consider this a real pain.




Add a transparent gif to the email. When your users will display the image, it will query your server and adds a line to your document. It is aka render rate. This is what email marketers used to call "open rate".


You can use MxM (http://www.m--x--m.net) to deliver your emails. They add that automatically and manage deliverability and antispam for you. We have open sourced that piece of code but it is in Python.

您可以使用MxM (http://www.m- x- m.net)发送电子邮件。他们会自动添加,并为您管理可交付性和反垃圾邮件。我们已经开放了这段代码的源代码,但它是在Python中。

(disclosure, I am the founder of this company)




If this is internal I assume you own the IMAP server (or Exchange or what-else-have-you). It'd be kind of ugly, but that would be the "proper" way to know if the email client has at least displayed the message. You can't really guarantee that it's been read of course :-p




You could potentially send out the mail with "read receipts" requested and then enforce the policy that all mail clients automatically send notices upon opening.




Quick notes to whoever will be using this later:


If you want a simple approach and don't mind paying a bit, check out www.didtheyreadit.com and www.readnotify.com; these abstract away a lot of any implementation you'll have to deal with.




The only way of tracking whether users read (downloaded) your email is by putting the information not in the email but in something like an image or an external html page and only have your email link to said resource (either through external browser or enabling images in email client).




You might be able to meet your needs by redistributing the content. Design the email in such a way that users who care about your email will click a certain link to learn more / continue reading. In other words, I advocating avoiding this problem because there isn't a solid solution.




Mail clients block pretty much all of these kinds of attempts. The best idea is to give them an image that they would want to see if they read the message, and therefore they choose to display images in their mail client.




There is no bulletproof way to check if a user has read your mail. And there shouldn't be IMO.




I have been looking for an answer to this question for a few weeks now and found several options out there. The one I like will send the 'open' data to Google Analytics.


The image below should be inserted into the body of your email. Each person I send an email to has a unique customer number so i can see opens/unique opens but it must not identify a specific customer according to Google's terms.

下面的图片应该插入到你的邮件正文中。我发送邮件给的每个人都有一个唯一的客户号,这样我就可以看到open /unique open,但它不能根据谷歌的条款识别特定的客户。

            <img src="http://www.google-analytics.com/collect?v=1
                " />



You can ask for a read receipt (an email feature), but most users consider this a real pain.




Add a transparent gif to the email. When your users will display the image, it will query your server and adds a line to your document. It is aka render rate. This is what email marketers used to call "open rate".


You can use MxM (http://www.m--x--m.net) to deliver your emails. They add that automatically and manage deliverability and antispam for you. We have open sourced that piece of code but it is in Python.

您可以使用MxM (http://www.m- x- m.net)发送电子邮件。他们会自动添加,并为您管理可交付性和反垃圾邮件。我们已经开放了这段代码的源代码,但它是在Python中。

(disclosure, I am the founder of this company)




If this is internal I assume you own the IMAP server (or Exchange or what-else-have-you). It'd be kind of ugly, but that would be the "proper" way to know if the email client has at least displayed the message. You can't really guarantee that it's been read of course :-p




You could potentially send out the mail with "read receipts" requested and then enforce the policy that all mail clients automatically send notices upon opening.




Quick notes to whoever will be using this later:


If you want a simple approach and don't mind paying a bit, check out www.didtheyreadit.com and www.readnotify.com; these abstract away a lot of any implementation you'll have to deal with.




The only way of tracking whether users read (downloaded) your email is by putting the information not in the email but in something like an image or an external html page and only have your email link to said resource (either through external browser or enabling images in email client).




You might be able to meet your needs by redistributing the content. Design the email in such a way that users who care about your email will click a certain link to learn more / continue reading. In other words, I advocating avoiding this problem because there isn't a solid solution.
