
时间:2021-07-31 15:52:05

Does anybody know if there is a way to understand what users are doing on my web page? I can see overall stats with Google Analytics but I can't really understand what users are looking at, if they are reading my content, etc.

有没有人知道是否有办法了解用户在我的网页上做了什么?我可以通过Google Analytics查看整体统计信息,但我无法真正了解用户正在查看的内容,是否正在阅读我的内容等。

Does anybody know if there is a free or paid service that I could use?



3 个解决方案


You could try using one of the analytics things that does heatmaps.


These give a visual representation of where people are clicking on the site, and I think some may let you track where the cursor is as well.


This is about as close as you can get to what you want - there's no way to track what someone's eyes are looking at,

这几乎可以达到你想要的效果 - 没有办法跟踪别人眼睛的样子,

Wikipedia claims that google analytics can do this. I've not seen it in analytics, but it may well be hiding there somewhere. I have used clicktale a bit before though:




Try Mouseflow. You can even record your visitors and watch the videos. Haven't tried it but looks promising.



The Site Overlay report in Google Analytics is probably what Wikipedia is referring to. However, it doesn't work most of the time (it's a "piece of crap" in Google's own words).

Google Analytics中的网站覆盖图报告可能是*所指的内容。但是,它大部分时间都不起作用(用谷歌自己的话来说就是“废话”)。

ClickTale is okay. I recommend CrazyEgg: http://crazyegg.com/



You could try using one of the analytics things that does heatmaps.


These give a visual representation of where people are clicking on the site, and I think some may let you track where the cursor is as well.


This is about as close as you can get to what you want - there's no way to track what someone's eyes are looking at,

这几乎可以达到你想要的效果 - 没有办法跟踪别人眼睛的样子,

Wikipedia claims that google analytics can do this. I've not seen it in analytics, but it may well be hiding there somewhere. I have used clicktale a bit before though:




Try Mouseflow. You can even record your visitors and watch the videos. Haven't tried it but looks promising.



The Site Overlay report in Google Analytics is probably what Wikipedia is referring to. However, it doesn't work most of the time (it's a "piece of crap" in Google's own words).

Google Analytics中的网站覆盖图报告可能是*所指的内容。但是,它大部分时间都不起作用(用谷歌自己的话来说就是“废话”)。

ClickTale is okay. I recommend CrazyEgg: http://crazyegg.com/
