Google App Engine和亚马逊云,哪个更好?

时间:2022-05-31 15:51:04

I'm going to deploy my application on one of them, and have no idea which is better.


4 个解决方案


Amazon's Cloud services, at this time, are much more general and flexible, while Google App Engine essentially fits some specific classes of applications that can live within its specific limitations (those limitations are being gradually relaxed, as GAE adds features and allows you to pay to exceed certain quotas, but that does not mean GAE will become a completely general-purpose platform the way Amazon's services are).

目前,亚马逊的云服务更加通用和灵活,而Google App Engine基本上适合某些特定类别的应用程序,这些应用程序可以在其特定限制范围内生效(这些限制正逐渐放松,因为GAE增加了功能并允许您付费超过某些配额,但这并不意味着GAE将成为亚马逊服务的完全通用平台)。

If your app can live within GAE's limitations, then GAE presents advantages: free up to a certain quota, almost no system configuration / administration overhead, etc. But if you need total flexibility -- for example, if you want to code part of your apps in C or C++, and that's just one of many examples -- then GAE is not suitable, while Amazon (for a price, in both money and sysadm overhead) can accomodate you.

如果您的应用程序可以符合GAE的限制,那么GAE具有以下优势:免费达到一定的配额,几乎没有系统配置/管理开销等。但是如果您需要完全的灵活性 - 例如,如果您想编写部分代码在C或C ++中的应用程序,这只是众多示例中的一个 - 然后GAE不适合,而亚马逊(价格,金钱和系统管理费用)可以容纳你。


If you've already written your app, and just want to deploy it, I'd have to say AWS is your best bet. AWS is a platform (or rather, EC2 is), and deploying an existing app is easy. App Engine, on the other hand, provides an entire development environment, at a much higher level of abstraction, which has significant advantages when it comes to scaling, but requires you to have written your app to work on it.

如果您已经编写了应用程序,并且只想部署它,我不得不说AWS是您最好的选择。 AWS是一个平台(或者更确切地说,是EC2),并且部署现有应用程序很容易。另一方面,App Engine以更高的抽象级别提供整个开发环境,这在扩展方面具有显着优势,但需要您编写应用程序来处理它。


Now how about Free Amazon EC2 for a year to do a better comparision. Check this out.



No one is king in this field because both amazon and google have their own pros and cons. for the finally decision you have to study deep about both or you have to analyze what you required for you apps. no doubt aws is old in this field and they have lot of good quality stuff but remember google is fast growing in cloud computing.


personally aws is easy to use and training and support is easily available on the other side google is his early stage and bit complex interface for newbie


so you can learn from you requirement



Amazon's Cloud services, at this time, are much more general and flexible, while Google App Engine essentially fits some specific classes of applications that can live within its specific limitations (those limitations are being gradually relaxed, as GAE adds features and allows you to pay to exceed certain quotas, but that does not mean GAE will become a completely general-purpose platform the way Amazon's services are).

目前,亚马逊的云服务更加通用和灵活,而Google App Engine基本上适合某些特定类别的应用程序,这些应用程序可以在其特定限制范围内生效(这些限制正逐渐放松,因为GAE增加了功能并允许您付费超过某些配额,但这并不意味着GAE将成为亚马逊服务的完全通用平台)。

If your app can live within GAE's limitations, then GAE presents advantages: free up to a certain quota, almost no system configuration / administration overhead, etc. But if you need total flexibility -- for example, if you want to code part of your apps in C or C++, and that's just one of many examples -- then GAE is not suitable, while Amazon (for a price, in both money and sysadm overhead) can accomodate you.

如果您的应用程序可以符合GAE的限制,那么GAE具有以下优势:免费达到一定的配额,几乎没有系统配置/管理开销等。但是如果您需要完全的灵活性 - 例如,如果您想编写部分代码在C或C ++中的应用程序,这只是众多示例中的一个 - 然后GAE不适合,而亚马逊(价格,金钱和系统管理费用)可以容纳你。


If you've already written your app, and just want to deploy it, I'd have to say AWS is your best bet. AWS is a platform (or rather, EC2 is), and deploying an existing app is easy. App Engine, on the other hand, provides an entire development environment, at a much higher level of abstraction, which has significant advantages when it comes to scaling, but requires you to have written your app to work on it.

如果您已经编写了应用程序,并且只想部署它,我不得不说AWS是您最好的选择。 AWS是一个平台(或者更确切地说,是EC2),并且部署现有应用程序很容易。另一方面,App Engine以更高的抽象级别提供整个开发环境,这在扩展方面具有显着优势,但需要您编写应用程序来处理它。


Now how about Free Amazon EC2 for a year to do a better comparision. Check this out.



No one is king in this field because both amazon and google have their own pros and cons. for the finally decision you have to study deep about both or you have to analyze what you required for you apps. no doubt aws is old in this field and they have lot of good quality stuff but remember google is fast growing in cloud computing.


personally aws is easy to use and training and support is easily available on the other side google is his early stage and bit complex interface for newbie


so you can learn from you requirement
