Reading on both it seems that they both have similar responsibilities of managing the sharing and integrity of resources as well as prioritizing execution but I cannot seem to find how they differ? Can someone clarify this misunderstanding. Thank You
2 个解决方案
In addition to what Oded already said:
A transaction manager manages transactions - and a transaction can include/address other resources than just databases. I have given the example of a printer at some occasions before.
事务管理器管理事务 - 事务可以包括/解决除数据库之外的其他资源。我曾经在某些场合给过打印机的例子。
A database manager manages data - and not necessarily in a transactional way. There is a very popular SQL system whose 1.0 version did not have commit/rollback, iow, did not offer transactional functionality and thus did not offer much of support for data integrity.
数据库管理器管理数据 - 而不一定是以事务方式管理数据。有一个非常流行的SQL系统,其1.0版本没有提交/回滚,低,没有提供事务功能,因此没有提供太多的数据完整性支持。
The distinction is mostly rather obtuse, however, because:
- a great many real-life transactions involve no other recoverable resources than just the database,
- in order to guarantee data consistency, DBMS's cannot avoid having to offer most if not all of the functionality of transactions.
A transaction manager manages transactions - these can be distributed (i.e. involving several databases/systems).
事务管理器管理事务 - 这些事务可以分发(即涉及多个数据库/系统)。
A database manager deals with a single database - managing it on the disk, memory consumption, query parsing etc...
数据库管理器处理单个数据库 - 在磁盘上管理它,内存消耗,查询解析等...
In addition to what Oded already said:
A transaction manager manages transactions - and a transaction can include/address other resources than just databases. I have given the example of a printer at some occasions before.
事务管理器管理事务 - 事务可以包括/解决除数据库之外的其他资源。我曾经在某些场合给过打印机的例子。
A database manager manages data - and not necessarily in a transactional way. There is a very popular SQL system whose 1.0 version did not have commit/rollback, iow, did not offer transactional functionality and thus did not offer much of support for data integrity.
数据库管理器管理数据 - 而不一定是以事务方式管理数据。有一个非常流行的SQL系统,其1.0版本没有提交/回滚,低,没有提供事务功能,因此没有提供太多的数据完整性支持。
The distinction is mostly rather obtuse, however, because:
- a great many real-life transactions involve no other recoverable resources than just the database,
- in order to guarantee data consistency, DBMS's cannot avoid having to offer most if not all of the functionality of transactions.
A transaction manager manages transactions - these can be distributed (i.e. involving several databases/systems).
事务管理器管理事务 - 这些事务可以分发(即涉及多个数据库/系统)。
A database manager deals with a single database - managing it on the disk, memory consumption, query parsing etc...
数据库管理器处理单个数据库 - 在磁盘上管理它,内存消耗,查询解析等...