Once a date in the "mm/dd/yyyy" format has been concatenated with a space and with text (e.g. "05/03/2015 Summary Report"), how could you copy this concatenated cell into another cell AS TEXT, but without the date turning into "42127 Summary Report?"
一旦“mm / dd / yyyy”格式的日期与空格和文本连接(例如“05/03/2015摘要报告”),您如何将此连接的单元格复制到另一个单元格AS TEXT中,但没有日期变成“42127摘要报告?”
1 个解决方案
=CONCATENATE(TEXT(A1,"mm/dd/yyyy")," Summary Report")
= CONCATENATE(文字(A1,“mm / dd / yyyy”),“摘要报告”)
Where A1 is your cell with the date.
=CONCATENATE(TEXT(A1,"mm/dd/yyyy")," Summary Report")
= CONCATENATE(文字(A1,“mm / dd / yyyy”),“摘要报告”)
Where A1 is your cell with the date.