如何在sql server查询中使用ruby数组?

时间:2021-12-16 15:47:34

I am having trouble in passing ruby array in sql query. I am using ruby version 2 and rails 4.0.2.

我在sql查询中传递ruby数组时遇到了麻烦。我使用ruby版本2和rails 4.0.2。

i have a array which contains project names which is passed by the view page and i am reading it through params in my function in the controller.


This is my function :


def fetch_projects()

@projects = params[:projects]

#this is my sql query

@query = " select * from project_view where Projects in '#{@projects.map { |s| s }}'"

@results = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(@query)


I am not able to execute the @query. Thanks in advance


2 个解决方案



Avoid writing raw sql. You are already using a gem called active record that does much more than just running your queries(it keeps it safe to execute & optimizes your queries) and without the hassel of innitiating your connection. You can instead do


ProjectView.where(project: @projects)



@query = " select * from project_view where Projects in '#{@projects.map { |s| s }}'"

I can see two problems here,


  1. String interpolation does not work with single quetoes. So use #{} directly in the query string.
  2. 字符串插值不适用于单个quetoes。所以直接在查询字符串中使用#{}。

  3. And your ruby code within string will return Array [1,2,3], so the query fails.
  4. 并且字符串中的ruby代码将返回Array [1,2,3],因此查询失败。

Why don't you try this in Rails way, For ex: ProjectView.joins(:projects).where(projects: {id: @projects.pluck(:id)})

你为什么不用Rails方式尝试这个,例如:ProjectView.joins(:projects).where(projects:{id:@ projects.pluck(:id)})



Avoid writing raw sql. You are already using a gem called active record that does much more than just running your queries(it keeps it safe to execute & optimizes your queries) and without the hassel of innitiating your connection. You can instead do


ProjectView.where(project: @projects)



@query = " select * from project_view where Projects in '#{@projects.map { |s| s }}'"

I can see two problems here,


  1. String interpolation does not work with single quetoes. So use #{} directly in the query string.
  2. 字符串插值不适用于单个quetoes。所以直接在查询字符串中使用#{}。

  3. And your ruby code within string will return Array [1,2,3], so the query fails.
  4. 并且字符串中的ruby代码将返回Array [1,2,3],因此查询失败。

Why don't you try this in Rails way, For ex: ProjectView.joins(:projects).where(projects: {id: @projects.pluck(:id)})

你为什么不用Rails方式尝试这个,例如:ProjectView.joins(:projects).where(projects:{id:@ projects.pluck(:id)})