
时间:2021-06-13 15:43:30

It took me like a month to figure out how make a session handler function work in PHP. I only had one problem, the bind_param function using i to fetch records instead of s.


$stmt = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT data FROM session WHERE  id = ?");
$stmt->bind_param('i', $id);

This $id is a session id with contains numbers and letters like: e5eeire57wjeuewq8w Even if I have no records with this session, this query returns about 8 records in num_rows. So I solved this by putting a s instead of i in bind param.

此$ id是一个会话ID,包含数字和字母,如:e5eeire57wjeuewq8w即使我没有此会话的记录,此查询返回num_rows中的大约8条记录。所以我通过在bind param中放入s而不是i来解决这个问题。

My question here is, why does bind param treat my string like an integer? Why does it return 8 rows even if I had 0 rows with this id?

我的问题是,为什么bind param将我的字符串视为整数?为什么它返回8行,即使我有0行这个id?

1 个解决方案


There's a comment on the bind_param page that confirms what Jon said in comments


PHP will automatically convert the value behind the scenes to the underlying type corresponding to your binding type string. i.e.:


$var = true;
bind_param('i', $var); // forwarded to Mysql as 1


There's a comment on the bind_param page that confirms what Jon said in comments


PHP will automatically convert the value behind the scenes to the underlying type corresponding to your binding type string. i.e.:


$var = true;
bind_param('i', $var); // forwarded to Mysql as 1