
时间:2022-04-03 15:46:04

I'm doing the Test-First Learn Ruby questions and for the Dictionary question it is asking that a define a method "find" that takes a string as a parameter to search against the keys of a hash containing words and return the key value pairs there the string matches the key. It has to satisfy these situations:

我正在做Test-First Learn Ruby问题,对于Dictionary问题,它要求定义一个方法“find”,它将一个字符串作为参数来搜索包含单词的哈希的键并返回键值对那里的字符串匹配密钥。它必须满足这些情况:

it 'finds multiple matches from a prefix and returns the entire entry (keyword + definition)' do
  @d.add('fish' => 'aquatic animal')
  @d.add('fiend' => 'wicked person')
  @d.add('great' => 'remarkable')
  @d.find('fi').should == {'fish' => 'aquatic animal', 'fiend' => 'wicked person'}

My knowledge of regular expressions isn't great. I am at a bit of a loss of what to do here. Help? I think I can pretty well get it to return the key values pairs given that the string an key matches completely, but for this partial matching I am perplexed.


1 个解决方案



I'm not sure if you actually need to use regexp here. The test implies that the method will get a string and check it against the hash keys' prefixes. This could be achieved by:


def find(string)
  hash.select { |key, value| key.start_with?(string) }

Also, Rubular might be a good resource to learn and test regexp




I'm not sure if you actually need to use regexp here. The test implies that the method will get a string and check it against the hash keys' prefixes. This could be achieved by:


def find(string)
  hash.select { |key, value| key.start_with?(string) }

Also, Rubular might be a good resource to learn and test regexp
