Django SQL OR via filter()&Q():动态?

时间:2022-07-19 15:45:27

I'm implementing a simple LIKE search on my Django website and what I currently use is the following code:


from django.db.models import Q
posts = Post.objects.filter(Q(title__icontains=query)|Q(content__icontains=query))

Where query is a string. This results in a LIKE SQL statement and works quite okay. Now I'd also like to split my search query into terms or words:

其中query是一个字符串。这导致LIKE SQL语句并且工作正常。现在,我还想将搜索查询拆分为术语或单词:

words = query.split(' ')

So words now contains a list of words, and I'd like to achieve an SQL statement similar to:


SELECT ... FROM foo WHERE `title` ILIKE '%word1%' OR `title` ILIKE '%word2%'
  OR `content` ILIKE '%word1%' OR `content` ILIKE '%word2%'

And in case there are more than two words I'd like the statement to grow listing all entries by every word.


Any ideas? Thanks!


1 个解决方案



reduce(operator.or_, sequence_of_Q_objects)



reduce(operator.or_, sequence_of_Q_objects)