A quick question.
I'm using php to insert new records in a database table - if the record exists, an update command is run instead.
我正在使用php在数据库表中插入新记录 - 如果记录存在,则运行更新命令。
My question is, if the incoming record has fields that are empty but the data already in the database is not empty, does the update command overwrite the existing data with the empty values?
Much appreciated.
4 个解决方案
Choog, it depends on your update query. If your table has the fields named: some_id, foo, bar, baz, qux - and you have an UPDATE in your PHP script like such:
Choog,这取决于您的更新查询。如果你的表有以下字段:some_id,foo,bar,baz,qux - 你的PHP脚本中有一个UPDATE,如下所示:
"UPDATE table SET foo = '$foo', bar = '$bar', baz = '$baz', qux = '$qux' WHERE some_id = '$id'"
This will update (overwrite) all the fields you specified. If any of those variables are NULL, or empty strings, then yes you will overwrite the existing data with a NULL (if allowed) or an empty string.
If you only update the fields you need to, say foo and bar for example, then it will not change the values of baz and qux. e.g.
"UPDATE table SET foo = '$foo', bar = '$bar' WHERE some_id = '$id'"
I don't know the specifics of what you're doing, but you may want to look into REPLACE INTO (http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/replace.html) and INSERT IGNORE (http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/insert.html) queries as well. They may be more suitable for what you're doing.
我不知道你在做什么的具体细节,但你可能想看看REPLACE INTO(http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/replace.html)和INSERT忽略( http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/insert.html)查询。它们可能更适合您正在做的事情。
The update would overwrite if it is a simple MySQL update
UPDATE table SET field = '$newValue' WHERE id = '$id'
It is better to validate the data first.
If you only want to update values that aren't empty you may want to do something like this
$updates = array();
if ($var1 != '') $updates[] = sprintf("`var1` = '%s'", mysql_real_escape_string($var1));
if ($var2 != '') $updates[] = sprintf("`var2` = '%s'", mysql_real_escape_string($var2));
if (count($updates) > 0) {
$query = sprintf("UPDATE table SET %s WHERE id = '%d' ", implode(", ", $updates), $id);
You can use an INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE statement.
And CoALESCE to keep an old value if null has been passed as "new" value.
您可以使用INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE语句。如果null已作为“新”值传递,则CoALESCE保留旧值。
$pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test', '...', '...');
// example table
$pdo->exec('CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE foo (
id int auto_increment,
x int,
y int,
z int,
primary key(id),
unique key(x) )
$stmt = $pdo->prepare("
foo (x,y,z)
y=COALESCE(:y, y),
z=COALESCE(:z, z)
$stmt->bindParam(':x', $x);
$stmt->bindParam(':y', $y);
$stmt->bindParam(':z', $z);
$x = 1; $y = 1; $z=1;
// duplicate key x=1
// overwriting y and z
$x = 1; $y = 2; $z=2;
$x = 2; $y = 20; $z=17;
// duplicate key x=2
// overwriting only z
$x = 2; $y = null; $z=21;
foreach($pdo->query('SELECT * FROM foo', PDO::FETCH_NAMED) as $row) {
foreach($row as $k=>$v) {
echo $k, '=', $v, ' ';
echo "\n";
id=1 x=1 y=2 z=2
id=2 x=2 y=20 z=21
Choog, it depends on your update query. If your table has the fields named: some_id, foo, bar, baz, qux - and you have an UPDATE in your PHP script like such:
Choog,这取决于您的更新查询。如果你的表有以下字段:some_id,foo,bar,baz,qux - 你的PHP脚本中有一个UPDATE,如下所示:
"UPDATE table SET foo = '$foo', bar = '$bar', baz = '$baz', qux = '$qux' WHERE some_id = '$id'"
This will update (overwrite) all the fields you specified. If any of those variables are NULL, or empty strings, then yes you will overwrite the existing data with a NULL (if allowed) or an empty string.
If you only update the fields you need to, say foo and bar for example, then it will not change the values of baz and qux. e.g.
"UPDATE table SET foo = '$foo', bar = '$bar' WHERE some_id = '$id'"
I don't know the specifics of what you're doing, but you may want to look into REPLACE INTO (http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/replace.html) and INSERT IGNORE (http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/insert.html) queries as well. They may be more suitable for what you're doing.
我不知道你在做什么的具体细节,但你可能想看看REPLACE INTO(http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/replace.html)和INSERT忽略( http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/insert.html)查询。它们可能更适合您正在做的事情。
The update would overwrite if it is a simple MySQL update
UPDATE table SET field = '$newValue' WHERE id = '$id'
It is better to validate the data first.
If you only want to update values that aren't empty you may want to do something like this
$updates = array();
if ($var1 != '') $updates[] = sprintf("`var1` = '%s'", mysql_real_escape_string($var1));
if ($var2 != '') $updates[] = sprintf("`var2` = '%s'", mysql_real_escape_string($var2));
if (count($updates) > 0) {
$query = sprintf("UPDATE table SET %s WHERE id = '%d' ", implode(", ", $updates), $id);
You can use an INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE statement.
And CoALESCE to keep an old value if null has been passed as "new" value.
您可以使用INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE语句。如果null已作为“新”值传递,则CoALESCE保留旧值。
$pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test', '...', '...');
// example table
$pdo->exec('CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE foo (
id int auto_increment,
x int,
y int,
z int,
primary key(id),
unique key(x) )
$stmt = $pdo->prepare("
foo (x,y,z)
y=COALESCE(:y, y),
z=COALESCE(:z, z)
$stmt->bindParam(':x', $x);
$stmt->bindParam(':y', $y);
$stmt->bindParam(':z', $z);
$x = 1; $y = 1; $z=1;
// duplicate key x=1
// overwriting y and z
$x = 1; $y = 2; $z=2;
$x = 2; $y = 20; $z=17;
// duplicate key x=2
// overwriting only z
$x = 2; $y = null; $z=21;
foreach($pdo->query('SELECT * FROM foo', PDO::FETCH_NAMED) as $row) {
foreach($row as $k=>$v) {
echo $k, '=', $v, ' ';
echo "\n";
id=1 x=1 y=2 z=2
id=2 x=2 y=20 z=21