
时间:2021-06-12 15:42:16

I wrote simple update/insert statements that are returning a syntax error, what am I missing? The table name is notes, the field note is type memo, acaps is a double.


update notes set note='why is there a syntax error' where acaps=12345

Syntax error on my insert statement too:


insert into notes (acaps,note,updated,userId) values (12345,'Why is there a syntax error',#6/13/2011 5:07:35 PM#,'BRSANDE')

1 个解决方案



You are attempting to use a reserved word: List of reserved words in Access 2002 and in later versions of Access

您正在尝试使用保留字:Access 2002和更高版本的Access中的保留字列表

update [notes]
set [note] = 'why is there a syntax error' 
where [acaps] = 12345

insert into [notes] ([acaps], [note], [updated], [userId]) 
values (12345, 'Why is there a syntax error', #6/13/2011 5:07:35 PM#, 'BRSANDE')



You are attempting to use a reserved word: List of reserved words in Access 2002 and in later versions of Access

您正在尝试使用保留字:Access 2002和更高版本的Access中的保留字列表

update [notes]
set [note] = 'why is there a syntax error' 
where [acaps] = 12345

insert into [notes] ([acaps], [note], [updated], [userId]) 
values (12345, 'Why is there a syntax error', #6/13/2011 5:07:35 PM#, 'BRSANDE')