
时间:2022-11-26 15:42:26

I'm using a PHP script to connect to a microsoft access database using ODBC

我正在使用PHP脚本使用ODBC连接到Microsoft Access数据库

The table I'm working on has an 'id' column. I'd like to INSERT new records if the SKU doesn't already exist, else if the SKU does exist, simply UPDATE that record.


What is the correct SQL for this? Is it possible to do it in one query?


3 个解决方案



Personally, I would leave that to the application logic rather than the database logic. You can simply do:


    $sql = 'UPDATE ... WHERE id = ?'; // assuming use of parameterized query
    $sql = 'INSERT INTO ...';



I would rather do it in 2 queries.


For me update or insert they are different BUSINESS logics. To get your code clear and clean it's better you explicitly define the logic for INSERT and UPDATE.


And technically I don't see a Clean way doing it in one SQL statement. Each of statement has to start with a "verb" it's either "UPDATE" or "SELECT" or "DELETE" or something else. Or if you insist to do so, you can try delete the potential existing one before you are doing "insert", then you do the "insert" anyway, but then maybe you get a inconsistent Id for same entity, which could cause problems too.


Or if "id" is primary key, another silly way is to do an "update" anyway, then do "insert" anyway. If there's no valid id, update will fail, and insert will succeed. If there's valid id, update will succeed and insert will fail. You'll get it done without the BUSINESS if-else logic, but everytime there'll be a SQL failure, which IS silly and ugly.

或者如果“id”是主键,另一种愚蠢的方式是进行“更新”,然后再进行“插入”。如果没有有效的ID,则更新将失败,并且插入将成功。如果有有效的id,则update将成功,insert将失败。你可以在没有BUSINESS if-else逻辑的情况下完成它,但每次都会出现SQL故障,这很愚蠢。

That's pretty much what I can think of.




I wouldn't suggest doing it in one query. Check if the value you want to add exists before you do the query to add a new value.




Personally, I would leave that to the application logic rather than the database logic. You can simply do:


    $sql = 'UPDATE ... WHERE id = ?'; // assuming use of parameterized query
    $sql = 'INSERT INTO ...';



I would rather do it in 2 queries.


For me update or insert they are different BUSINESS logics. To get your code clear and clean it's better you explicitly define the logic for INSERT and UPDATE.


And technically I don't see a Clean way doing it in one SQL statement. Each of statement has to start with a "verb" it's either "UPDATE" or "SELECT" or "DELETE" or something else. Or if you insist to do so, you can try delete the potential existing one before you are doing "insert", then you do the "insert" anyway, but then maybe you get a inconsistent Id for same entity, which could cause problems too.


Or if "id" is primary key, another silly way is to do an "update" anyway, then do "insert" anyway. If there's no valid id, update will fail, and insert will succeed. If there's valid id, update will succeed and insert will fail. You'll get it done without the BUSINESS if-else logic, but everytime there'll be a SQL failure, which IS silly and ugly.

或者如果“id”是主键,另一种愚蠢的方式是进行“更新”,然后再进行“插入”。如果没有有效的ID,则更新将失败,并且插入将成功。如果有有效的id,则update将成功,insert将失败。你可以在没有BUSINESS if-else逻辑的情况下完成它,但每次都会出现SQL故障,这很愚蠢。

That's pretty much what I can think of.




I wouldn't suggest doing it in one query. Check if the value you want to add exists before you do the query to add a new value.
