
时间:2021-08-25 11:38:11

I have a DAG that looks like this: Example DAG


I want to extract all the paths constituted by 4 nodes in this graph.


My expected result should look like this:


N1 -> N2 -> N3 -> N4

N1 -> N2 -> N3 -> N4

N1 -> N2 -> N3 -> N5

N1 -> N2 -> N3 -> N5

N1 -> N3 -> N4 -> N5

N1 -> N3 -> N4 -> N5

N2 -> N3 -> N4 -> N5

N2 -> N3 -> N4 -> N5

My current attempt looks like this


def path_finder(n1):
    paths = []
    if DAG.has_node(n1):
        for n2 in DAG.successors(n1):
            for n3 in DAG.successors(n2):
                for n4 in DAG.successors(n3):
                    paths.append([n1, n2, n3, n4])
    return paths

I'm calling this function for each node. DAG is a global variable, more specifically it is a networkx object (DAG = networkx.DiGraph() ) This naive function is pathetically slow. Is there a more efficient strategy to do this?

我为每个节点调用这个函数。DAG是一个全局变量,更具体地说,它是一个networkx对象(DAG = networkx. digraph()))。有没有更有效的策略来解决这个问题?

I have looked at question 20262712 but was self-solved by the author of the question in rather obscure way.






Since I couldn't get any satisfactory algorithm to solve this, I ended up parallelizing the job using my naive function as a worker while dumping all the data into a queue. I used pool.imap_unordered to launch worker function and aggregated the results from queue. It still is slow (takes couple of hours for 5M nodes). I should also furnish the data for the average degree of nodes that I'm dealing with, because that will have an effect upon how fast my workers runs. But, I'll leave that out for now.


3 个解决方案



Here is a function that returns the paths of a given length between all nodes in the graph. It iterates between all sets of nodes and uses the networkx.all_simple_paths to get the paths.


import networkx as nx

g = nx.DiGraph()



def find_paths(graph, number_nodes=4):
    paths = []
    for source in graph.nodes_iter():
        for target in graph.nodes_iter():
            if not source==target:
                p_source_target = nx.all_simple_paths(graph, 
                paths.extend([p for p in p_source_target if len(p)==number_nodes])
    return paths

# output:
[['B', 'C', 'D', 'E'],
 ['A', 'C', 'D', 'E'],
 ['A', 'B', 'C', 'E'],
 ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']]



Part of your problem could be that if you come across a node u as the second node in a path then you do all of the calculations to find all the paths of length 3. But then if you come across u again as the second node, you repeat all of these calculations.


So try to avoid this. We'll do it recursively calculating all the length 3 paths first (which requires calculating length 2 paths)


def get_paths(G, n):
    '''returns a dict, paths, such that paths[u] is a list of all paths 
       of length n that start from u'''
    if n == 1: #base case, return a dict so that D[u] is a
               #list of all length 1 paths starting from u.
               #it's a boring list.
        return {u: [[u]] for u in G.nodes()}
    #if we get to here n>1 (unless input was bad)
    subpath_dict = get_paths(G,n-1)  #contains all length n-1 paths, 
                                     #indexed by first node
    path_dict = {}
    for u in G:
        path_dict[u] = []  
        for v in G.successors(u):
            path_dict[u].extend([[u]+subpath for subpath in subpath_dict[v]])


path_dict = get_paths(G,4)
path_list = []
for paths in path_dict.values():



Number of sequences is of order |V|*d^3, where d is average node output degree. From how graph is created, d is bounded. I suppose that d is not very small (like < 5). That means, for 5M nodes graph there are > 1G paths.

V的组合数的顺序| | * d ^ 3 d是平均节点输出学位。从图的创建方式来看,d是有界的。假设d不是很小(如< 5),也就是说,对于5M节点图,有> 1G路径。

Since finding one path is fast (they are short) it is not sure that DP like algorithm can help. DP like algorithms try to take an advantage of partially calculated data, so there is an overhead of storing and retrieving that data and maybe that is larger overhead than just to calculate needed partial data.


One idea is algorithm that traverse DAG in back topological order and do two things:


  • for node keep all paths that starts from that node of length 3,
  • 对于节点,保持从长度为3的节点开始的所有路径,
  • using successors paths of length 3 print all paths of length 4.
  • 使用长度为3的后继路径打印长度为4的所有路径。

This method can use lot of memory, but some of it can be freed for nodes that are not successor of any traverse boundary node.


Other idea is just to make simple algorithm more optimized. In your solution there are three for loops for each node. That means four for loops for all paths. Note that each loop is through nodes. It is possible to join first two loops by iterating through edges. That is due each path has to start with one edge. Algorithm is like:


for n1, n2 in DAG.edges():
  for n3 in DAG.successors(n2):
    for n4 in DAG.successors(n3):
      paths.append([n1, n2, n3, n4])

Or even simpler by first selecting middle edge:


for n2, n3 in DAG.edges():
  for n1, n4 in itertools.product(DAG.predecessors(n2), DAG.successors(n3)):
    paths.append([n1, n2, n3, n4])

Outer loop can be optimized by not selecting middle edge that starts on source node or ends on target node. But that is quite fast detected in product() method. Maybe this optimization can help by not sending not needed data into other process.




Here is a function that returns the paths of a given length between all nodes in the graph. It iterates between all sets of nodes and uses the networkx.all_simple_paths to get the paths.


import networkx as nx

g = nx.DiGraph()



def find_paths(graph, number_nodes=4):
    paths = []
    for source in graph.nodes_iter():
        for target in graph.nodes_iter():
            if not source==target:
                p_source_target = nx.all_simple_paths(graph, 
                paths.extend([p for p in p_source_target if len(p)==number_nodes])
    return paths

# output:
[['B', 'C', 'D', 'E'],
 ['A', 'C', 'D', 'E'],
 ['A', 'B', 'C', 'E'],
 ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']]



Part of your problem could be that if you come across a node u as the second node in a path then you do all of the calculations to find all the paths of length 3. But then if you come across u again as the second node, you repeat all of these calculations.


So try to avoid this. We'll do it recursively calculating all the length 3 paths first (which requires calculating length 2 paths)


def get_paths(G, n):
    '''returns a dict, paths, such that paths[u] is a list of all paths 
       of length n that start from u'''
    if n == 1: #base case, return a dict so that D[u] is a
               #list of all length 1 paths starting from u.
               #it's a boring list.
        return {u: [[u]] for u in G.nodes()}
    #if we get to here n>1 (unless input was bad)
    subpath_dict = get_paths(G,n-1)  #contains all length n-1 paths, 
                                     #indexed by first node
    path_dict = {}
    for u in G:
        path_dict[u] = []  
        for v in G.successors(u):
            path_dict[u].extend([[u]+subpath for subpath in subpath_dict[v]])


path_dict = get_paths(G,4)
path_list = []
for paths in path_dict.values():



Number of sequences is of order |V|*d^3, where d is average node output degree. From how graph is created, d is bounded. I suppose that d is not very small (like < 5). That means, for 5M nodes graph there are > 1G paths.

V的组合数的顺序| | * d ^ 3 d是平均节点输出学位。从图的创建方式来看,d是有界的。假设d不是很小(如< 5),也就是说,对于5M节点图,有> 1G路径。

Since finding one path is fast (they are short) it is not sure that DP like algorithm can help. DP like algorithms try to take an advantage of partially calculated data, so there is an overhead of storing and retrieving that data and maybe that is larger overhead than just to calculate needed partial data.


One idea is algorithm that traverse DAG in back topological order and do two things:


  • for node keep all paths that starts from that node of length 3,
  • 对于节点,保持从长度为3的节点开始的所有路径,
  • using successors paths of length 3 print all paths of length 4.
  • 使用长度为3的后继路径打印长度为4的所有路径。

This method can use lot of memory, but some of it can be freed for nodes that are not successor of any traverse boundary node.


Other idea is just to make simple algorithm more optimized. In your solution there are three for loops for each node. That means four for loops for all paths. Note that each loop is through nodes. It is possible to join first two loops by iterating through edges. That is due each path has to start with one edge. Algorithm is like:


for n1, n2 in DAG.edges():
  for n3 in DAG.successors(n2):
    for n4 in DAG.successors(n3):
      paths.append([n1, n2, n3, n4])

Or even simpler by first selecting middle edge:


for n2, n3 in DAG.edges():
  for n1, n4 in itertools.product(DAG.predecessors(n2), DAG.successors(n3)):
    paths.append([n1, n2, n3, n4])

Outer loop can be optimized by not selecting middle edge that starts on source node or ends on target node. But that is quite fast detected in product() method. Maybe this optimization can help by not sending not needed data into other process.
