如何统计sql server查询中的记录?

时间:2020-12-15 15:41:57

I'm beginner in sql server and query,i want write query to show me this result:

我是sql server和query的初学者,我想写查询给我看看这个结果:

record A count=3
record B count=100

for that purpose i write this query:


select distinct *from EWSD1

but that query show me this result:


Record A
Record B

but i want show for example record A all field detail and how many repeat in all of the table?thanks.


2 个解决方案



SELECT  [name], -- select the fields you want to see
        COUNT(*) -- include aggregate
GROUP BY [name], -- group by fields that aren't inlcuded in aggregate.. 



COUNT(*) FROM table_name

This will give you the length of the table, a.k.a. how many entry you got in this table


COUNT(*) FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 3

This will give you the number of entries the table "table_name" got where the value of "column_name" is 3. Use WHERE username LIKE "John" if you're comparing strings. Simply replace the column_name and table_name by appropriates column name and table name

这将为您提供表“table_name”获得的条目数“column_name”的值为3.如果您要比较字符串,请使用WHERE username LIKE“John”。只需用适当的列名和表名替换column_name和table_name即可



SELECT  [name], -- select the fields you want to see
        COUNT(*) -- include aggregate
GROUP BY [name], -- group by fields that aren't inlcuded in aggregate.. 



COUNT(*) FROM table_name

This will give you the length of the table, a.k.a. how many entry you got in this table


COUNT(*) FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 3

This will give you the number of entries the table "table_name" got where the value of "column_name" is 3. Use WHERE username LIKE "John" if you're comparing strings. Simply replace the column_name and table_name by appropriates column name and table name

这将为您提供表“table_name”获得的条目数“column_name”的值为3.如果您要比较字符串,请使用WHERE username LIKE“John”。只需用适当的列名和表名替换column_name和table_name即可