
时间:2022-12-26 15:42:55

I'm using C# (on Visual Studio 2013) with .Net 4.0 and an access 2002 database (.mdb) The data I'm trying to insert is stored in these variables:

我正在使用带有.Net 4.0的C#(在Visual Studio 2013上)和访问2002数据库(.mdb)我试图插入的数据存储在这些变量中:

int cantidad = int.Parse(txtCantParejas.Text);
DateTime fechaActual = DateTime.Now;
int dia = fechaActual.Day;
int mes = fechaActual.Month;
int anio = fechaActual.Year;
int hora = fechaActual.Hour;
int minuto = fechaActual.Minute;

I've built this query:


string query = "INSERT INTO Torneo (cantParejas,dia,mes,anio,hora,minuto)VALUES (@cantParejas,@dia,@mes,@anio,@hora,@minuto)";

And I have a connection string (connection test succeeds) stored in the variable "strDeConexion".


So I try to insert the data into my table:


OleDbConnection dbConnection = new OleDbConnection(strDeConexion);
OleDbCommand commandStatement = new OleDbCommand(query, dbConnection);
commandStatement.Parameters.Add("@cantParejas", OleDbType.Integer).Value = cantidad;
commandStatement.Parameters.Add("@dia", OleDbType.Integer).Value = dia;
commandStatement.Parameters.Add("@mes", OleDbType.Integer).Value = mes;
commandStatement.Parameters.Add("@anio", OleDbType.Integer).Value = anio;
commandStatement.Parameters.Add("@hora", OleDbType.Integer).Value = hora;
commandStatement.Parameters.Add("@minuto", OleDbType.Integer).Value = minuto;

The columns in my Access database table are all of Integer type and there is also an autoincrementing column called "idTorneo" which is the primary key and I didn't include in my query (because it's auto increment).


However, when I run my code, I get no errors (I tried wrapping the insertion in a try-catch and I see the "try" bit being executed). But when I check the data in my table, the table is empty. Since I get no errors I'm quite puzzled and don't know where to start looking. I tried inserting this way as well, with no luck:


commandStatement.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
commandStatement.Parameters.AddWithValue("cantParejas", cantidad);
commandStatement.Parameters.AddWithValue("dia", dia);
commandStatement.Parameters.AddWithValue("mes", mes);
commandStatement.Parameters.AddWithValue("anio", anio);
commandStatement.Parameters.AddWithValue("hora", hora);
commandStatement.Parameters.AddWithValue("minuto", minuto);

Any help on what could be wrong or how to investigate this issue will be appreciated :)


2 个解决方案


The OleDbCommand does not fully support named parameters. Use ? instead:

OleDbCommand不完全支持命名参数。使用 ?代替:

 string query = "INSERT INTO Torneo (cantParejas,dia,mes,anio,hora,minuto) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";


Well, I found the "bug" and it was just a configuration issue I would've never imagined. I tried everything suggested here (thanks!!) and I finally decided to avoid parameters to see if that was the problem. So I converted my query to "INSERT INTO Torneo (cantParejas,dia,mes,anio,hora,minuto) VALUES ('" + cantidad + "','" + dia + "','" + mes + "','" + anio + "','" + hora + "','" + minuto + "')"; and left the code just as

好吧,我发现了“bug”,这只是一个我从未想象过的配置问题。我尝试了这里建议的一切(谢谢!!),我最终决定避免参数,看看是不是问题。所以我将我的查询转换为“INSERT INTO Torneo(cantParejas,dia,mes,anio,hora,minuto)VALUES('”+ cantidad +“','”+ dia +“','”+ mes +“',' “+ anio +”','“+ hora +”','“+ minuto +”')“;并将代码保留为

OleDbConnection dbConnection = new OleDbConnection();
dbConnection.ConnectionString = strDeConexion;
OleDbCommand commandStatement = new OleDbCommand();
commandStatement.Connection = dbConnection;
commandStatement.CommandText = query;

However, I still was getting nothing. Until I went to my Solution Explorer, selected my database and changed the property "Copy to output directory" from "Copy always" to "Do not copy", then went to the output directory (....\bin\debug) and manually pasted my database file in there. Ta-da! Now THIS copy of the database is getting updated.

但是,我仍然一无所获。在我进入我的解决方案资源管理器之前,选择了我的数据库并将“复制到输出目录”属性从“始终复制”更改为“不复制”,然后转到输出目录(.... \ bin \ debug)并且手动粘贴我的数据库文件。当当!现在,该数据库副本正在更新。

I could've spent the whole week debugging without even thinking of this little trick, so I wanted to post it in here in case anyone else has the same problem.



The OleDbCommand does not fully support named parameters. Use ? instead:

OleDbCommand不完全支持命名参数。使用 ?代替:

 string query = "INSERT INTO Torneo (cantParejas,dia,mes,anio,hora,minuto) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";


Well, I found the "bug" and it was just a configuration issue I would've never imagined. I tried everything suggested here (thanks!!) and I finally decided to avoid parameters to see if that was the problem. So I converted my query to "INSERT INTO Torneo (cantParejas,dia,mes,anio,hora,minuto) VALUES ('" + cantidad + "','" + dia + "','" + mes + "','" + anio + "','" + hora + "','" + minuto + "')"; and left the code just as

好吧,我发现了“bug”,这只是一个我从未想象过的配置问题。我尝试了这里建议的一切(谢谢!!),我最终决定避免参数,看看是不是问题。所以我将我的查询转换为“INSERT INTO Torneo(cantParejas,dia,mes,anio,hora,minuto)VALUES('”+ cantidad +“','”+ dia +“','”+ mes +“',' “+ anio +”','“+ hora +”','“+ minuto +”')“;并将代码保留为

OleDbConnection dbConnection = new OleDbConnection();
dbConnection.ConnectionString = strDeConexion;
OleDbCommand commandStatement = new OleDbCommand();
commandStatement.Connection = dbConnection;
commandStatement.CommandText = query;

However, I still was getting nothing. Until I went to my Solution Explorer, selected my database and changed the property "Copy to output directory" from "Copy always" to "Do not copy", then went to the output directory (....\bin\debug) and manually pasted my database file in there. Ta-da! Now THIS copy of the database is getting updated.

但是,我仍然一无所获。在我进入我的解决方案资源管理器之前,选择了我的数据库并将“复制到输出目录”属性从“始终复制”更改为“不复制”,然后转到输出目录(.... \ bin \ debug)并且手动粘贴我的数据库文件。当当!现在,该数据库副本正在更新。

I could've spent the whole week debugging without even thinking of this little trick, so I wanted to post it in here in case anyone else has the same problem.
