Ruby排序Hash By Inner Hash的计数值相同

时间:2021-09-28 15:42:22

I have a hash of hashes and what I'm trying to accomplish is to sort the hash based on the count of the inner hash's count of the same value. So let's say this is my hash.


hash = { 
         "Run1"=>{"March 24, 2013"=>"failed", "March 23, 2013"=>"failed", "March 21, 2013"=>"failed", "March 19, 2013"=>"passed", "March 18, 2013"=>"passed"},
         "Run2"=>{"March 24, 2013"=>"failed", "March 23, 2013"=>"failed", "March 21, 2013"=>"failed", "March 19, 2013"=>"failed", "March 18, 2013"=>"failed"} 

I want to sort the hash so the Run2 appears before Run1 since I'm trying to sort by the number of times a run "failed"


I'm thinking I need something like


hash.sort_by{|key, innerHash| innerHash.values.count('failed')}

Any help or suggestions is greatly appreciated


1 个解决方案



A lil fix:


hash.sort_by { |_,h| -h.values.count('failed') } # notice force negative

...and should work. Take in mind sort_by always returns an array, so maybe you'd want to:


sorted_hash = Hash[hash.sort_by { |_,h| -h.values.count('failed') }]



A lil fix:


hash.sort_by { |_,h| -h.values.count('failed') } # notice force negative

...and should work. Take in mind sort_by always returns an array, so maybe you'd want to:


sorted_hash = Hash[hash.sort_by { |_,h| -h.values.count('failed') }]