将.bak文件恢复到SQL Server 2008中的错误

时间:2022-10-14 15:43:03

I am trying to restore a backup file to SQL Server 2008. I am getting the following message.

我正在尝试将一个备份文件恢复到SQL Server 2008。我得到以下信息。

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: The database was backed up on a server running version 10.50.1600. That version is incompatible with this server, which is running version 10.00.1600. Either restore the database on a server that supports the backup, or use a backup that is compatible with this server. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)


I need to transfer all data from the SQL server 2008 R2 backup file to SQL server 2008 database.

我需要将所有数据从SQL server 2008 R2备份文件传输到SQL server 2008数据库。

Can you please suggest me how to restore the .bak file.


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Although SQL 2008 and SQL2008 R2 have similar(ish) names, a backup from SQL 2008R2 (where your .bak file was created) cannot be restored on a SQL 2008 instance (where you are trying to restore it.)

虽然SQL2008和SQL2008 R2有相似的(ish)名称,但是SQL 2008R2(创建.bak文件的地方)的备份无法在SQL2008实例(试图还原它的地方)上恢复。

You could create a new backup using a third party tool like Redgate SQLBackup, or you could use the import/export wizard in SSMS to transfer the data, but R2 backups are not backward compatible unfortunately.

您可以使用Redgate SQLBackup之类的第三方工具创建一个新的备份,也可以使用SSMS中的导入/导出向导来传输数据,但遗憾的是R2备份并不向后兼容。



Although SQL 2008 and SQL2008 R2 have similar(ish) names, a backup from SQL 2008R2 (where your .bak file was created) cannot be restored on a SQL 2008 instance (where you are trying to restore it.)

虽然SQL2008和SQL2008 R2有相似的(ish)名称,但是SQL 2008R2(创建.bak文件的地方)的备份无法在SQL2008实例(试图还原它的地方)上恢复。

You could create a new backup using a third party tool like Redgate SQLBackup, or you could use the import/export wizard in SSMS to transfer the data, but R2 backups are not backward compatible unfortunately.

您可以使用Redgate SQLBackup之类的第三方工具创建一个新的备份,也可以使用SSMS中的导入/导出向导来传输数据,但遗憾的是R2备份并不向后兼容。