
时间:2022-05-09 15:40:20

I have a bootstrap (3.3.7) data table that I want to put the same width on all tds. Eventually, I would like to get all the rows with 3 cells to reach to the right side of the table keeping the same width in each cell. I did tons of research to find something like this but failed so any help with this would much appreciated.


The following screenshot is what I currently have: 引导数据表——具有相同宽度的行的不同数量的单元格


And the following is what I would like to change my table to:



.col-2 { width: 50%; }
.col-3 { width: 33.3%; }
.col-4 { width: 25%; }
.col-5 { width: 20%; }
.col-6 { width: 16.66666667%; }

table {
  margin-top: 50px;

thead tr th, td {
  text-align: center;

.td-parent {
  font-weight: bold;
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.min.css">

<div class="container">      
  <table class="table table-bordered table-striped">
        <th colspan="8">SPECIFICATION</th>
        <td class="td-parent" colspan="2">Part Number</td>
        <td class="td-parent" colspan="2">Position</td>
        <td class="td-parent" colspan="2">Content</td>
        <td class="td-child" colspan="2">CDR1005</td>
        <td class="td-child" colspan="2">Front/Rear</td>
        <td class="td-child" colspan="2">4 identical pads</td>
        <td class="td-parent col-4" colspan="2">Meritor</td>
        <td class="td-parent col-4" colspan="2">Mercedes</td>
        <td class="td-parent col-4" colspan="2">Renault</td>
        <td class="td-parent col-4" colspan="2">WVA</td>
        <td class="td-child" colspan="2">TBA</td>
        <td class="td-child" colspan="2">TBA</td>
        <td class="td-child" colspan="2">TBA</td>
        <td class="td-child" colspan="2">TBA</td>
        <td class="td-parent" colspan="2">A</td>
        <td class="td-parent" colspan="2">B</td>
        <td class="td-parent" colspan="2">C</td>
        <td class="td-child" colspan="2">250</td>
        <td class="td-child" colspan="2">118</td>
        <td class="td-child" colspan="2">28</td>

4 个解决方案



1) Use colspan so cells take up entire row

  • For 3 columns on a row use colspan = 4
  • 对于一行上的3列,使用colspan = 4
  • For 4 columns on a row use colspan = 3
  • 对于一行上的4列,使用colspan = 3

2) Use table-layout: fixed to get equal widths.

The table-layout property defines the algorithm used to lay out tables. If it is not set, most browsers will default its value to auto, where width depends on content. Therefore you are not getting equal widths for the cells. When you set this property to fixed, however, column width is determined by width, not by content.


table {
  margin-top: 50px;
  table-layout: fixed;

thead tr th, td {
  text-align: center;
  width: 1%;

.td-parent {
  font-weight: bold;
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.min.css">

<div class="container">      
  <table class="table table-bordered table-striped">
        <th colspan="12">SPECIFICATION</th>
        <td class="td-parent" colspan="4">Part Number</td>
        <td class="td-parent" colspan="4">Position</td>
        <td class="td-parent" colspan="4">Content</td>
        <td class="td-child" colspan="4">CDR1005</td>
        <td class="td-child" colspan="4">Front/Rear</td>
        <td class="td-child" colspan="4">4 identical pads</td>
        <td class="td-parent" colspan="3">Meritor</td>
        <td class="td-parent" colspan="3">Mercedes</td>
        <td class="td-parent" colspan="3">Renault</td>
        <td class="td-parent" colspan="3">WVA</td>
        <td class="td-child" colspan="3">TBA</td>
        <td class="td-child" colspan="3">TBA</td>
        <td class="td-child" colspan="3">TBA</td>
        <td class="td-child" colspan="3">TBA</td>
        <td class="td-parent" colspan="4">A</td>
        <td class="td-parent" colspan="4">B</td>
        <td class="td-parent" colspan="4">C</td>
        <td class="td-child" colspan="4">250</td>
        <td class="td-child" colspan="4">118</td>
        <td class="td-child" colspan="4">28</td>



control columns with colspan


.col-2 { width: 50%; }
.col-3 { width: 33.3%; }
.col-4 { width: 25%; }
.col-5 { width: 20%; }
.col-6 { width: 16.66666667%; }

table {
  margin-top: 50px;

thead tr th, td {
  text-align: center;

.td-parent {
  font-weight: bold;
<link href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>

<div class="container">      
<table class="table table-bordered table-striped">
            <th colspan="12">SPECIFICATION</th>
            <td width="33.3333%" class="td-parent" colspan="4">Part Number</td>
            <td width="33.3333%" class="td-parent" colspan="4">Position</td>
            <td width="33.3333%" class="td-parent" colspan="4">Content</td>
            <td class="td-child" colspan="4">CDR1005</td>
            <td class="td-child" colspan="4">Front/Rear</td>
            <td class="td-child" colspan="4">4 identical pads</td>
            <td class="td-parent" colspan="3">Meritor</td>
            <td class="td-parent" colspan="3">Mercedes</td>
            <td class="td-parent" colspan="3">Renault</td>
            <td class="td-parent" colspan="3">WVA</td>
            <td class="td-child" colspan="3">TBA</td>
            <td class="td-child" colspan="3">TBA</td>
            <td class="td-child" colspan="3">TBA</td>
            <td class="td-child" colspan="3">TBA</td>
            <td class="td-parent" colspan="4">A</td>
            <td class="td-parent" colspan="4">B</td>
            <td class="td-parent" colspan="4">C</td>
            <td class="td-child" colspan="4">250</td>
            <td class="td-child" colspan="4">118</td>
            <td class="td-child" colspan="4">28</td>



My personal opinions, to make the same width of different rows making separate tables is the only way.


I hope this works.


table { table-layout: fixed; }
.col-1 { width: 100%; }
.col-2 { width: 50%; }
.col-3 { width: 33.3%; }
.col-4 { width: 25%; }
.col-5 { width: 20%; }
.col-6 { width: 16.66666667%; }

  border: 1px solid black;
  margin-bottom: 0 !important;
  padding-bottom: 0;
  text-align: center;

     border: 1px solid black;
     border-top: 0;
     margin-top: 0;
     padding-top: 0;
     margin-bottom: 0;
     padding-bottom: 0;

tr, th, td {
  text-align: center !important;

.td-parent {
  font-weight: bold;
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.min.css">

<div class="container">      
  <table class="table table-bordered table-striped table-head">
        <th class="col-1" colspan="3">SPECIFICATION</th>
  <table class="table table-bordered table-striped table-head">
        <td class="td-parent col-3" >Part Number</td>
        <td class="td-parent col-3" >Position</td>
        <td class="td-parent col-3" >Content</td>
        <td class="td-child col-3" >CDR1005</td>
        <td class="td-child col-3" >Front/Rear</td>
        <td class="td-child col-3" >4 identical pads</td>
  <table class="table table-bordered table-striped table-head">
        <td class="td-parent col-4" >Meritor</td>
        <td class="td-parent col-4" >Mercedes</td>
        <td class="td-parent col-4" >Renault</td>
        <td class="td-parent col-4" >WVA</td>
        <td class="td-child col-4" >TBA</td>
        <td class="td-child col-4">TBA</td>
        <td class="td-child col-4" >TBA</td>
        <td class="td-child col-4">TBA</td>
  <table class="table table-bordered table-striped table-head">
        <td class="td-parent" >A</td>
        <td class="td-parent" >B</td>
        <td class="td-parent" >C</td>
        <td class="td-child" >250</td>
        <td class="td-child" >118</td>
        <td class="td-child" >28</td>



Use this:


  • For th clspan = 12
  • 对于clspan = 12
  • For 3 columns on a row use colspan = 4 (3 * 4 = 12)
  • 对于一行中的3列,使用colspan = 4 (3 * 4 = 12)
  • For 4 columns on a row use colspan = 3 (4 * 3 = 12)
  • 对于一行上的4列,使用colspan = 3 (4 * 3 = 12)

Use this CSS:


thead tr th,thead tr td{text-align:center}
<link href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<div class="container">
<table class="table table-bordered table-striped">
			<th colspan="12">SPECIFICATION</th>
			<td class="td-parent" colspan="4">Part Number</td>
			<td class="td-parent" colspan="4">Position</td>
			<td class="td-parent" colspan="4">Content</td>
			<td class="td-child" colspan="4">CDR1005</td>
			<td class="td-child" colspan="4">Front/Rear</td>
			<td class="td-child" colspan="4">4 identical pads</td>
			<td class="td-parent" colspan="3">Meritor</td>
			<td class="td-parent" colspan="3">Mercedes</td>
			<td class="td-parent" colspan="3">Renault</td>
			<td class="td-parent" colspan="3">WVA</td>
			<td class="td-child" colspan="3">TBA</td>
			<td class="td-child" colspan="3">TBA</td>
			<td class="td-child" colspan="3">TBA</td>
			<td class="td-child" colspan="3">TBA</td>
			<td class="td-parent" colspan="4">A</td>
			<td class="td-parent" colspan="4">B</td>
			<td class="td-parent" colspan="4">C</td>
			<td class="td-child" colspan="4">250</td>
			<td class="td-child" colspan="4">118</td>
			<td class="td-child" colspan="4">28</td>



1) Use colspan so cells take up entire row

  • For 3 columns on a row use colspan = 4
  • 对于一行上的3列,使用colspan = 4
  • For 4 columns on a row use colspan = 3
  • 对于一行上的4列,使用colspan = 3

2) Use table-layout: fixed to get equal widths.

The table-layout property defines the algorithm used to lay out tables. If it is not set, most browsers will default its value to auto, where width depends on content. Therefore you are not getting equal widths for the cells. When you set this property to fixed, however, column width is determined by width, not by content.


table {
  margin-top: 50px;
  table-layout: fixed;

thead tr th, td {
  text-align: center;
  width: 1%;

.td-parent {
  font-weight: bold;
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.min.css">

<div class="container">      
  <table class="table table-bordered table-striped">
        <th colspan="12">SPECIFICATION</th>
        <td class="td-parent" colspan="4">Part Number</td>
        <td class="td-parent" colspan="4">Position</td>
        <td class="td-parent" colspan="4">Content</td>
        <td class="td-child" colspan="4">CDR1005</td>
        <td class="td-child" colspan="4">Front/Rear</td>
        <td class="td-child" colspan="4">4 identical pads</td>
        <td class="td-parent" colspan="3">Meritor</td>
        <td class="td-parent" colspan="3">Mercedes</td>
        <td class="td-parent" colspan="3">Renault</td>
        <td class="td-parent" colspan="3">WVA</td>
        <td class="td-child" colspan="3">TBA</td>
        <td class="td-child" colspan="3">TBA</td>
        <td class="td-child" colspan="3">TBA</td>
        <td class="td-child" colspan="3">TBA</td>
        <td class="td-parent" colspan="4">A</td>
        <td class="td-parent" colspan="4">B</td>
        <td class="td-parent" colspan="4">C</td>
        <td class="td-child" colspan="4">250</td>
        <td class="td-child" colspan="4">118</td>
        <td class="td-child" colspan="4">28</td>



control columns with colspan


.col-2 { width: 50%; }
.col-3 { width: 33.3%; }
.col-4 { width: 25%; }
.col-5 { width: 20%; }
.col-6 { width: 16.66666667%; }

table {
  margin-top: 50px;

thead tr th, td {
  text-align: center;

.td-parent {
  font-weight: bold;
<link href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>

<div class="container">      
<table class="table table-bordered table-striped">
            <th colspan="12">SPECIFICATION</th>
            <td width="33.3333%" class="td-parent" colspan="4">Part Number</td>
            <td width="33.3333%" class="td-parent" colspan="4">Position</td>
            <td width="33.3333%" class="td-parent" colspan="4">Content</td>
            <td class="td-child" colspan="4">CDR1005</td>
            <td class="td-child" colspan="4">Front/Rear</td>
            <td class="td-child" colspan="4">4 identical pads</td>
            <td class="td-parent" colspan="3">Meritor</td>
            <td class="td-parent" colspan="3">Mercedes</td>
            <td class="td-parent" colspan="3">Renault</td>
            <td class="td-parent" colspan="3">WVA</td>
            <td class="td-child" colspan="3">TBA</td>
            <td class="td-child" colspan="3">TBA</td>
            <td class="td-child" colspan="3">TBA</td>
            <td class="td-child" colspan="3">TBA</td>
            <td class="td-parent" colspan="4">A</td>
            <td class="td-parent" colspan="4">B</td>
            <td class="td-parent" colspan="4">C</td>
            <td class="td-child" colspan="4">250</td>
            <td class="td-child" colspan="4">118</td>
            <td class="td-child" colspan="4">28</td>



My personal opinions, to make the same width of different rows making separate tables is the only way.


I hope this works.


table { table-layout: fixed; }
.col-1 { width: 100%; }
.col-2 { width: 50%; }
.col-3 { width: 33.3%; }
.col-4 { width: 25%; }
.col-5 { width: 20%; }
.col-6 { width: 16.66666667%; }

  border: 1px solid black;
  margin-bottom: 0 !important;
  padding-bottom: 0;
  text-align: center;

     border: 1px solid black;
     border-top: 0;
     margin-top: 0;
     padding-top: 0;
     margin-bottom: 0;
     padding-bottom: 0;

tr, th, td {
  text-align: center !important;

.td-parent {
  font-weight: bold;
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.min.css">

<div class="container">      
  <table class="table table-bordered table-striped table-head">
        <th class="col-1" colspan="3">SPECIFICATION</th>
  <table class="table table-bordered table-striped table-head">
        <td class="td-parent col-3" >Part Number</td>
        <td class="td-parent col-3" >Position</td>
        <td class="td-parent col-3" >Content</td>
        <td class="td-child col-3" >CDR1005</td>
        <td class="td-child col-3" >Front/Rear</td>
        <td class="td-child col-3" >4 identical pads</td>
  <table class="table table-bordered table-striped table-head">
        <td class="td-parent col-4" >Meritor</td>
        <td class="td-parent col-4" >Mercedes</td>
        <td class="td-parent col-4" >Renault</td>
        <td class="td-parent col-4" >WVA</td>
        <td class="td-child col-4" >TBA</td>
        <td class="td-child col-4">TBA</td>
        <td class="td-child col-4" >TBA</td>
        <td class="td-child col-4">TBA</td>
  <table class="table table-bordered table-striped table-head">
        <td class="td-parent" >A</td>
        <td class="td-parent" >B</td>
        <td class="td-parent" >C</td>
        <td class="td-child" >250</td>
        <td class="td-child" >118</td>
        <td class="td-child" >28</td>



Use this:


  • For th clspan = 12
  • 对于clspan = 12
  • For 3 columns on a row use colspan = 4 (3 * 4 = 12)
  • 对于一行中的3列,使用colspan = 4 (3 * 4 = 12)
  • For 4 columns on a row use colspan = 3 (4 * 3 = 12)
  • 对于一行上的4列,使用colspan = 3 (4 * 3 = 12)

Use this CSS:


thead tr th,thead tr td{text-align:center}
<link href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<div class="container">
<table class="table table-bordered table-striped">
			<th colspan="12">SPECIFICATION</th>
			<td class="td-parent" colspan="4">Part Number</td>
			<td class="td-parent" colspan="4">Position</td>
			<td class="td-parent" colspan="4">Content</td>
			<td class="td-child" colspan="4">CDR1005</td>
			<td class="td-child" colspan="4">Front/Rear</td>
			<td class="td-child" colspan="4">4 identical pads</td>
			<td class="td-parent" colspan="3">Meritor</td>
			<td class="td-parent" colspan="3">Mercedes</td>
			<td class="td-parent" colspan="3">Renault</td>
			<td class="td-parent" colspan="3">WVA</td>
			<td class="td-child" colspan="3">TBA</td>
			<td class="td-child" colspan="3">TBA</td>
			<td class="td-child" colspan="3">TBA</td>
			<td class="td-child" colspan="3">TBA</td>
			<td class="td-parent" colspan="4">A</td>
			<td class="td-parent" colspan="4">B</td>
			<td class="td-parent" colspan="4">C</td>
			<td class="td-child" colspan="4">250</td>
			<td class="td-child" colspan="4">118</td>
			<td class="td-child" colspan="4">28</td>