
时间:2021-04-12 15:41:02

I've got 2 tables



id| id_event| id_user | data
1       2         4     20.08.2012
2       2         5     20.08.2012
3       2         6     20.08.2012 


id | id_event | id_user_who's rate  | id_user_which get rate    | rate
1         2           4                        5

What I want to achieve is select users which took part in same event where id_user is equal to id_user_login and they were not been rated by him yet.


So like on the example above id_user_login number 4 rated user number 5 so I need query which will give me back user 6



$a = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM event as ev WHERE ev.id_user not in ( select $log1[id] union all SELECT id_user_whos_rate FROM event as e INNER JOIN rating as r on r.id_event = e.id_event WHERE e.id_user = $log1[id]) 

I've tried this one and as return I received all users from event table for id_user_login while one of user was already rated so he shouldn't be display.


1 个解决方案



SELECT  a.id_user
FROM    `event` a
        LEFT JOIN rating b
            ON  a.id_event = b.id_event AND
                a.id_user = b.id_user_which_get_rate
WHERE   a.id_user <> 4 AND
            SELECT  1
            FROM    `event` c
            WHERE   a.id_event = c.id_event AND
                    c.id_user = 4
        ) AND
        b.id IS NULL

Table event is joined with table rating via columns: id_event and id_user using LEFT JOIN. It is joined on two columns inorder to select only rows that belong to a user in a particular event.

表事件通过列使用表等级加入:id_event和id_user使用LEFT JOIN。它连接在两列上,以便仅选择属于特定事件中用户的行。

The purpose of the WHERE clause is exclude the current user from the result list. The EXISTS filters only event for a particular current user who logged in.

WHERE子句的目的是从结果列表中排除当前用户。 EXISTS仅筛选登录的特定当前用户的事件。



SELECT  a.id_user
FROM    `event` a
        LEFT JOIN rating b
            ON  a.id_event = b.id_event AND
                a.id_user = b.id_user_which_get_rate
WHERE   a.id_user <> 4 AND
            SELECT  1
            FROM    `event` c
            WHERE   a.id_event = c.id_event AND
                    c.id_user = 4
        ) AND
        b.id IS NULL

Table event is joined with table rating via columns: id_event and id_user using LEFT JOIN. It is joined on two columns inorder to select only rows that belong to a user in a particular event.

表事件通过列使用表等级加入:id_event和id_user使用LEFT JOIN。它连接在两列上,以便仅选择属于特定事件中用户的行。

The purpose of the WHERE clause is exclude the current user from the result list. The EXISTS filters only event for a particular current user who logged in.

WHERE子句的目的是从结果列表中排除当前用户。 EXISTS仅筛选登录的特定当前用户的事件。