我什么时候应该在MySQL表中使用“NOT NULL”并且有什么好处?

时间:2022-02-06 15:44:21

I have the following rails migration:


create_table :articles do |t|
  t.integer :user_id, :allow_null => false
  t.integer :genre_id, :allow_null => false
  t.string :url, :limit => 255, :allow_null => false
  t.string :title, :limit => 60, :allow_null => false
  t.text :summary, :limit => 350, :allow_null => false
  t.integer :votes_count, :default => 0
  t.datetime :published_at, :default => nil

All the fields that are "NOT NULL" are validated in the model first, so I'm wondering if I need to bother having allow_null in the migration? I'm not sure what benefits "NOT NULL" gives to the database, if any.

首先在模型中验证所有“NOT NULL”字段,所以我想知道我是否需要在迁移中烦扰allow_null?我不确定“NOT NULL”给数据库带来了什么好处,如果有的话。

3 个解决方案



Not much if you mean in terms of performance or storage efficiency. However, it's just good practice to push as many of your low-level constraints into the database layer. For one thing, it guarantees that a subtle bug in Rails isn't going to lead to some randomly NULL data in a not-null field. Likewise, if you ever run another app against the same database, it will be extremely helpful to have the constraints in a central place for maintenance and to avoid duplication.




NOT NULL is one more thing where the computer can keep an eye on you and keep you from making mistakes.

NOT NULL是计算机可以密切关注您并防止您犯错误的另一件事。



This doesn't seemt o affect mySQL, but you should be aware of 2 recently fixed migration issues (one when you don't specify default)






Not much if you mean in terms of performance or storage efficiency. However, it's just good practice to push as many of your low-level constraints into the database layer. For one thing, it guarantees that a subtle bug in Rails isn't going to lead to some randomly NULL data in a not-null field. Likewise, if you ever run another app against the same database, it will be extremely helpful to have the constraints in a central place for maintenance and to avoid duplication.




NOT NULL is one more thing where the computer can keep an eye on you and keep you from making mistakes.

NOT NULL是计算机可以密切关注您并防止您犯错误的另一件事。



This doesn't seemt o affect mySQL, but you should be aware of 2 recently fixed migration issues (one when you don't specify default)


