用户如何在MS Access中插入null?

时间:2022-09-28 15:42:41

MS Access appears to support nulls in code, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to enter a null directly in a table. This is maddening because once a field has had a figure entered in it, it can never be deleted/set to null. Normally, allowing zero length strings would take care of this, but Access treats the XML export of a null and a zero length string differently. A null eliminates the associated XML tag and a zero length string sends an empty tag.

MS Access似乎支持代码中的空值,但我不能在我的生活中弄清楚如何直接在表中输入null。这很令人抓狂,因为一旦一个字段输入了一个数字,它就永远不会被删除/设置为空。通常,允许零长度字符串会处理此问题,但Access会以不同方式处理null和零长度字符串的XML导出。 null取消关联的XML标记,零长度字符串发送空标记。

7 个解决方案



Are you talking about needing to do it in Datasheet view? If you needed to do it in an update query, you can do it like this:


UPDATE test SET test.test = Null;



Does setting the "Allow zero length string" option in the table definition help? It may force an empty string to be interpreted as NULL.




press ctrl-0 and a null is inserted.




Deleting all the characters will work, but Access is a bit fickle. Hitting backspace or delete will not work unless there are characters in the field. I find it is best to enter a few characters, select all, and hit delete, change focus and change the record. After all the above, if you run a query looking for "is null" the record will be found.

删除所有字符都可行,但Access有点变幻无常。除非字段中有字符,否则按下退格键或删除将不起作用。我发现最好输入几个字符,选择全部,然后点击删除,更改焦点并更改记录。完成上述所有操作后,如果您运行查询“is null”,则会找到该记录。



I'm actually looking for a way for a layperson to do the entry directly in a table. In MSSQL you can simply press ctrl-0 and a null is inserted. Deleting all the characters doesn't appear to work. Instead of a null, you are left with an empty string. They are not treated the same by Access for export purposes.


I think what I'm going to wind up doing is creating an xslt file to use during export that eliminates empty tags. That way the user can't really tell the difference.


It sure would be nice, though, to be able to key in a null.




Ok, I don't think this is an easily solvable problem and my original question was a little off target. The problem isn't so much with nulls, although they are involved, as with the manner in which the table was originally created. If you use an xsd file to create your tables you plan on exporting, something happens under the hood in Access that causes those fields to be treated a little differently than fields created with the editors.


The only solution I found was to create a new field in the table, rename the old field, copy the data from the old field to the new field and delete the old field.


After doing that, then blank fields that had data in them at one point are no longer included in the XML output. It's probably not the best way to do this, and I still don't know exactly why it's happening, but at least I can get past the issue.




Just delete all characters in the column and access will insert a null value for you if the coumn allows it.




Are you talking about needing to do it in Datasheet view? If you needed to do it in an update query, you can do it like this:


UPDATE test SET test.test = Null;



Does setting the "Allow zero length string" option in the table definition help? It may force an empty string to be interpreted as NULL.




press ctrl-0 and a null is inserted.




Deleting all the characters will work, but Access is a bit fickle. Hitting backspace or delete will not work unless there are characters in the field. I find it is best to enter a few characters, select all, and hit delete, change focus and change the record. After all the above, if you run a query looking for "is null" the record will be found.

删除所有字符都可行,但Access有点变幻无常。除非字段中有字符,否则按下退格键或删除将不起作用。我发现最好输入几个字符,选择全部,然后点击删除,更改焦点并更改记录。完成上述所有操作后,如果您运行查询“is null”,则会找到该记录。



I'm actually looking for a way for a layperson to do the entry directly in a table. In MSSQL you can simply press ctrl-0 and a null is inserted. Deleting all the characters doesn't appear to work. Instead of a null, you are left with an empty string. They are not treated the same by Access for export purposes.


I think what I'm going to wind up doing is creating an xslt file to use during export that eliminates empty tags. That way the user can't really tell the difference.


It sure would be nice, though, to be able to key in a null.




Ok, I don't think this is an easily solvable problem and my original question was a little off target. The problem isn't so much with nulls, although they are involved, as with the manner in which the table was originally created. If you use an xsd file to create your tables you plan on exporting, something happens under the hood in Access that causes those fields to be treated a little differently than fields created with the editors.


The only solution I found was to create a new field in the table, rename the old field, copy the data from the old field to the new field and delete the old field.


After doing that, then blank fields that had data in them at one point are no longer included in the XML output. It's probably not the best way to do this, and I still don't know exactly why it's happening, but at least I can get past the issue.




Just delete all characters in the column and access will insert a null value for you if the coumn allows it.
