
时间:2022-09-28 15:42:29

I have a list of users which needs to be iterated using a foreach loop and inserted in to a table for every new row in db table.


$data['entity_classid'] = $classid;
    $data['notification_context_id'] = $context_id;
    $data['entity_id'] = $entity_id;
    $data['notification_by'] = $userid;
    $data['actionid'] = $actionid;
    $data['is_read'] = 0;
    $data['createdtime'] = time();
    foreach($classassocusers as $users){
            $data['notification_to'] = $users->userid;

so using the insert query as given above is


  1. A good practice or bad practice,
  2. 一个好的做法或不好的做法,

  3. Shall i place any delay after every insert query execution?
  4. 我应该在每次插入查询执行后放置任何延迟吗?

  5. what are the pros and cons of doing so?
  6. 这样做的利弊是什么?


2 个解决方案



Using the query like that is a good practice in your case. You will have to insert a list of users anyway, so you will have to process many queries. No way around this!


I have no idea why you would want to place a delay after each insert. These methods are synchronous calls, so your code will be "paused" anyway during the execution of your query. So delaying it will just delay your code while nothing is progressing.


So your loop will not continue while executing a query. So don't delay your code even more on purpose.


Another way to do this is by executing one query though.


$user_data = "";
foreach($classassocusers as $users) {
   $user_data .= "('" . $users->userid . "', '" . $users->name . "'), ";

$user_data = substr($user_data, 0, strlen($user_data) - 2);

$query = "INSERT INTO `homework.comments` ( `id`, `name` )
          VALUES " . $user_data;

That's supposed to make a query like:


INSERT INTO `homework.comments` ( `id`, `name` )
VALUES ('1', 'John'),
       ('2', 'Jeffrey'),
       ('3', 'Kate');

(By the way, I made some assumptions regarding your $users object and your table structure. But I'm sure you catch the idea)

(顺便说一句,我对你的$ users对象和你的表结构做了一些假设。但我相信你能理解这个想法)



It all depends on your requirements.


If you run 500.000 of these updates in 5 minutes - every 15 minutes, your database will have a hard time. If you do this for 1.000 users every 15 minutes - this is a great approach.

如果您在5分钟内运行500,000个这些更新 - 每15分钟一次,您的数据库将很难。如果每15分钟为1.000个用户执行此操作 - 这是一个很好的方法。

When performance is demanded, concider the following:


  1. Combine INSERT using the VALUES syntax, process every 500/1000.
  2. 使用VALUES语法组合INSERT,每500/1000处理一次。

  3. Add a small timeout after the query.
  4. 在查询后添加一个小超时。

Otherwise, this is an excellent approach!




Using the query like that is a good practice in your case. You will have to insert a list of users anyway, so you will have to process many queries. No way around this!


I have no idea why you would want to place a delay after each insert. These methods are synchronous calls, so your code will be "paused" anyway during the execution of your query. So delaying it will just delay your code while nothing is progressing.


So your loop will not continue while executing a query. So don't delay your code even more on purpose.


Another way to do this is by executing one query though.


$user_data = "";
foreach($classassocusers as $users) {
   $user_data .= "('" . $users->userid . "', '" . $users->name . "'), ";

$user_data = substr($user_data, 0, strlen($user_data) - 2);

$query = "INSERT INTO `homework.comments` ( `id`, `name` )
          VALUES " . $user_data;

That's supposed to make a query like:


INSERT INTO `homework.comments` ( `id`, `name` )
VALUES ('1', 'John'),
       ('2', 'Jeffrey'),
       ('3', 'Kate');

(By the way, I made some assumptions regarding your $users object and your table structure. But I'm sure you catch the idea)

(顺便说一句,我对你的$ users对象和你的表结构做了一些假设。但我相信你能理解这个想法)



It all depends on your requirements.


If you run 500.000 of these updates in 5 minutes - every 15 minutes, your database will have a hard time. If you do this for 1.000 users every 15 minutes - this is a great approach.

如果您在5分钟内运行500,000个这些更新 - 每15分钟一次,您的数据库将很难。如果每15分钟为1.000个用户执行此操作 - 这是一个很好的方法。

When performance is demanded, concider the following:


  1. Combine INSERT using the VALUES syntax, process every 500/1000.
  2. 使用VALUES语法组合INSERT,每500/1000处理一次。

  3. Add a small timeout after the query.
  4. 在查询后添加一个小超时。

Otherwise, this is an excellent approach!
