从“sbt test”运行测试时,类路径与从IDEA运行时不同

时间:2021-01-27 15:43:38

I have the following simple test:


class ClasspathTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers {

  "The classpath" should "have more than one member" in {
    System.getProperty("java.class.path").split(":").length should be > 1

This resides in an sbt project. When running this from IDEA, this test succeeds because it contains all the libraryDependencies I specified in build.sbt.


However, when doing sbt test it fails because it only contains /opt/sbt/bin/sbt-launch.jar.


Now I have a test which depends on this runtime classpath being fully populated.


Is it possible to populate it somehow?


1 个解决方案


This is a duplicate of Real SBT Classpath at Runtime

这是运行时Real SBT Classpath的副本

To make it work, I have to include in my build.sbt:


fork in Test := true


This is a duplicate of Real SBT Classpath at Runtime

这是运行时Real SBT Classpath的副本

To make it work, I have to include in my build.sbt:


fork in Test := true