I have an Azure Web application that I checked into TFS yesterday with no issues. Upon checking in, the resource manager will inject our nuget packages and deploy if it builds successfully.
我有一个Azure Web应用程序,我昨天检查了TFS,没有任何问题。签入后,资源管理器将注入我们的nuget包并在成功构建时进行部署。
I made a few changes (added a class) and checked in today. I received this error on the build:
Here's the quote to help the future search bots:
Exit code 1 returned from process: file name 'tf', arguments 'vc unshelve Gated_xxxxxx;****** /loginType:OAuth /login:.,******** /noprompt'.
退出代码1从进程返回:文件名'tf',参数'vc unshelve Gated_xxxxxx; ****** / loginType:OAuth /login:.,******** / noprompt'。
I looked into the log response, to see if I get more detail, but it says the exact same thing. I have not changed my password or username.
How can I debug this to figure out the issue?
To save others from the headache. The issue was that we had CI builds per project. A file from another project had snuck in as well. So I was checking in for 2 different projects on 2 different solutions (Which both go to the same TFS server). So make sure you only check in for that one project!
1 个解决方案
To save others from the headache. The issue was that we had CI builds per project. A file from another project had snuck in as well. So I was checking in for 2 different projects on 2 different solutions (Which both go to the same TFS server). So make sure you only check in for that one project!
To save others from the headache. The issue was that we had CI builds per project. A file from another project had snuck in as well. So I was checking in for 2 different projects on 2 different solutions (Which both go to the same TFS server). So make sure you only check in for that one project!