
时间:2021-11-08 15:40:26

I've been exploring different strategies for running integration tests within some Nant build scripts. Typically a number of different scripts are chained in one monolithic build that has separate targets: staging (build a staging version, like build), build (just build the stuff), integration (build the stuff and run the integration tests). This works reasonably well, the build target takes about a third of the time to run as the integration target and it's not painfully long so I don't find myself disinclined to run it frequently.


The integration target on the other hand takes long enough that I don't want to do it very often - ideally just before I'm ready to do a deploy. Does this seem like a reasonable strategy? IOW, am I doing it right?

另一方面,集成目标需要足够长的时间,我不想经常这样做 - 理想情况是在我准备好部署之前。这看起来像是一个合理的策略吗?我,我做得对吗?

The plan is to eventually move this project to Continuous Integration. I'm new to the whole Continuous Integration thing but I think I understand the concept of "breaking the build" so I'm wondering what are some good practices to pick up in order to make the most of it?


Any good sources of reading on this subject would be appreciated as well. Thanks!


3 个解决方案



Yes, you are on the right track. What you need to do now is to hook up your nant target to an automated process. I recommend using either Team City or Cruise Control for as your CI tool. Once you have your automated server setup you can run your build and unit tests on each check in (Continuous Integration). Your integration tests could then run at night or over the weekend since they typically take longer to run. If your integration tests are successful, you can then have a job that will deploy to some QA or other server.

是的,你走在正确的轨道上。您现在需要做的是将您的nant目标连接到自动化流程。我建议使用Team City或Cruise Control作为CI工具。完成自动服务器设置后,您可以在每次签入时运行构建和单元测试(持续集成)。然后,您的集成测试可以在晚上或周末运行,因为它们通常需要更长的时间才能运行。如果集成测试成功,那么您可以拥有一个将部署到某个QA或其他服务器的作业。



Sounds like you're 99% of the way there. My advice is to just dive in and start doing it. You'll learn a lot more by actually taking the plunge and doing it than by thinking about whether you're doing it right.


My company is currently using CruiseControl and I personally think it's great.




See this related thread What is a good CI build process?


You are on the right track. If you're using a decent CI tool, you should be able to set each setup up as a separate project that triggers the next step in the chain... i.e. sucessfull build triggers tests which trigger deployment which triggers integration etc


This way your ealiest "break" stops the line so to speak.


We use CruiseControl to build, unit-test, configure and deploy, run integration tests and code coverage, run acceptance tests, and package for release. This is with a system of 8 or so web services, and a dozen or so databases, all with interralated configuration and deployment dependencies with across multiple environments with different configurations (anythin from single boxes to redundent boxes for each component)




Yes, you are on the right track. What you need to do now is to hook up your nant target to an automated process. I recommend using either Team City or Cruise Control for as your CI tool. Once you have your automated server setup you can run your build and unit tests on each check in (Continuous Integration). Your integration tests could then run at night or over the weekend since they typically take longer to run. If your integration tests are successful, you can then have a job that will deploy to some QA or other server.

是的,你走在正确的轨道上。您现在需要做的是将您的nant目标连接到自动化流程。我建议使用Team City或Cruise Control作为CI工具。完成自动服务器设置后,您可以在每次签入时运行构建和单元测试(持续集成)。然后,您的集成测试可以在晚上或周末运行,因为它们通常需要更长的时间才能运行。如果集成测试成功,那么您可以拥有一个将部署到某个QA或其他服务器的作业。



Sounds like you're 99% of the way there. My advice is to just dive in and start doing it. You'll learn a lot more by actually taking the plunge and doing it than by thinking about whether you're doing it right.


My company is currently using CruiseControl and I personally think it's great.




See this related thread What is a good CI build process?


You are on the right track. If you're using a decent CI tool, you should be able to set each setup up as a separate project that triggers the next step in the chain... i.e. sucessfull build triggers tests which trigger deployment which triggers integration etc


This way your ealiest "break" stops the line so to speak.


We use CruiseControl to build, unit-test, configure and deploy, run integration tests and code coverage, run acceptance tests, and package for release. This is with a system of 8 or so web services, and a dozen or so databases, all with interralated configuration and deployment dependencies with across multiple environments with different configurations (anythin from single boxes to redundent boxes for each component)
