
时间:2021-08-20 15:41:07

After reading the guide for using embedded documents in MongoDB I am still a bit confused as to what they are used for when modelling one-to-one relationships. For example if I had a user which had a username an email and an address which contained street, city, state and zip. Why would I model it like:


  username: "joe",
  email: "joe@example.com",
  address: {
    street: "123 example rd",
    city: "Faketon",
    state: "MA",
    zip: 1234

when I could do something like this which would often save quite a bit of code when saving and loading from the database:


  username: "joe",
  email: "joe@example.com",
  street: "123 example rd",
  city: "Faketon",
  state: "MA",
  zip: 1234

Are there and what are the benefits to using embedded documents for one-to-one relationships? Does it give you any more flexibility or speed with queries? Are there any negative aspects of using embedded documents like this?


2 个解决方案


There are several helpful side effects when using embedded documents vs flattening the structure for 1:1 relationships:


  • You can specify embedded document in query projections, which saves writing code to get sets of related fields and can help reduce network overhead if your application often works with subsets of the full document.
  • 您可以在查询投影中指定嵌入式文档,这样可以节省编写代码以获取相关字段集,并且如果您的应用程序经常使用完整文档的子集,则可以帮助减少网络开销。

Using your first example document:


  username: "joe",
  email: "joe@example.com",
  address: {
    street: "123 example rd",
    city: "Faketon",
    state: "MA",
    zip: 1234

You can easily get all of the address fields by projecting the subdocument:


> db.user.find({}, {address:1})
  "_id": ObjectId("554a0656f5549fd193161e2e"),
  "address": {
    "street": "123 example rd",
    "city": "Faketon",
    "state": "MA",
    "zip": 1234
  • Embedded documents can provide additional semantic context.
  • 嵌入式文档可以提供额外的语义上下文。

Looking at your second example it may not be clear to another developer whether state is meant to be used as part of an address or if it might represent an application state (i.e. one arbitrary interpretation might be "MA" => "Management Approval"). The semantics can get harder to infer as are more fields are added to schema over time, or in cases where some of the fields may not be present in all documents.

看看你的第二个例子,另一个开发人员可能不清楚状态是否意味着用作地址的一部分,或者它是否可能代表一个应用程序状态(即一个任意解释可能是“MA”=>“管理批准”) 。随着时间的推移,或者在某些字段可能不存在于所有文档中的情况下,语义可能变得更难以推断。

Similarly, if you wanted to add home and office addresses both could have identical fields:


  "home": {
    "street": "123 example rd",
    "city": "Faketon",
    "state": "MA",
    "zip": 1234
  "work": {
    "street": "456 Longcommuta Way",
    "city": "Busyville",
    "state": "CA",
    "zip": 90210

You could take advantage of the similarity in subdocuments to have reusable code that works with either home or work addresses.



There won't be any performance difference. Both solutions are valid, but you should consider how you'll handle data with your programming language.


Example: with PHP or Java classes, you may want to create two classes, User and Address. Address will be embed in your User class/document. You may also want to reuse the Address class/document elsewhere.


You can see Mongo documents as PHP/Java classes.

您可以将Mongo文档视为PHP / Java类。


There are several helpful side effects when using embedded documents vs flattening the structure for 1:1 relationships:


  • You can specify embedded document in query projections, which saves writing code to get sets of related fields and can help reduce network overhead if your application often works with subsets of the full document.
  • 您可以在查询投影中指定嵌入式文档,这样可以节省编写代码以获取相关字段集,并且如果您的应用程序经常使用完整文档的子集,则可以帮助减少网络开销。

Using your first example document:


  username: "joe",
  email: "joe@example.com",
  address: {
    street: "123 example rd",
    city: "Faketon",
    state: "MA",
    zip: 1234

You can easily get all of the address fields by projecting the subdocument:


> db.user.find({}, {address:1})
  "_id": ObjectId("554a0656f5549fd193161e2e"),
  "address": {
    "street": "123 example rd",
    "city": "Faketon",
    "state": "MA",
    "zip": 1234
  • Embedded documents can provide additional semantic context.
  • 嵌入式文档可以提供额外的语义上下文。

Looking at your second example it may not be clear to another developer whether state is meant to be used as part of an address or if it might represent an application state (i.e. one arbitrary interpretation might be "MA" => "Management Approval"). The semantics can get harder to infer as are more fields are added to schema over time, or in cases where some of the fields may not be present in all documents.

看看你的第二个例子,另一个开发人员可能不清楚状态是否意味着用作地址的一部分,或者它是否可能代表一个应用程序状态(即一个任意解释可能是“MA”=>“管理批准”) 。随着时间的推移,或者在某些字段可能不存在于所有文档中的情况下,语义可能变得更难以推断。

Similarly, if you wanted to add home and office addresses both could have identical fields:


  "home": {
    "street": "123 example rd",
    "city": "Faketon",
    "state": "MA",
    "zip": 1234
  "work": {
    "street": "456 Longcommuta Way",
    "city": "Busyville",
    "state": "CA",
    "zip": 90210

You could take advantage of the similarity in subdocuments to have reusable code that works with either home or work addresses.



There won't be any performance difference. Both solutions are valid, but you should consider how you'll handle data with your programming language.


Example: with PHP or Java classes, you may want to create two classes, User and Address. Address will be embed in your User class/document. You may also want to reuse the Address class/document elsewhere.


You can see Mongo documents as PHP/Java classes.

您可以将Mongo文档视为PHP / Java类。