使用门户部署Azure Web应用程序时自动进行单元测试

时间:2021-10-31 15:41:50

I have an ASP.NET MVC solution with the following structure:

我有一个ASP。NET MVC解决方案的结构如下:

--- Solution/Main.csproj
--- Solution.Services.UnitTest/Solution.Services.UnitTest.csproj

For simplicity in this question, lets say my Main solution is both my website and services. So we have one solution with is the "application".


The UnitTest solution is a simple solution that refers the Main project, but with a lot of unit tests (using NUnit).


I have setup automatic deployment in Azure. Every time I make a commit on develop it updates one web-app, and when I update master, it updates another web-app. I've done this by setting up the integration to my Github repo here inside the Azure portal:

我在Azure中设置了自动部署。每次我提交开发时,它都会更新一个web应用,当我更新master时,它会更新另一个web应用。我通过在Azure门户中设置了Github repo的集成来实现这一点:

Webapp --> Deployment --> Deployment Options

My question is: how do I run my unit test first?


I don't see any options to add this. I don't see any option if I use the newer Continious Delivery (Preview) either.


I can see there is an option to add performance tests, but thatis not what I need.


So my question is two-fold: How do I add these unit tests inside the Azure web portal / updating my build file? And if this is not possible inside Azure, what is the "norm" on how to solve this (very common, I assume) problem?

因此,我的问题是双重的:如何在Azure web门户中添加这些单元测试/更新我的构建文件?如果在Azure中这是不可能的,那么如何解决这个问题(我想这很常见)的“标准”是什么?

1 个解决方案



You can add a custom KUDU script to the root directory of your solution. At that point you have "complete" control over the build and deploy pipeline in Azure. Every web app has a default script in Azure. If you pull your current KUDU script (assuming your are using dotnet core), you should just need to add a dotnet test command before the dotnet publish command and fail accordingly.




If you have looking for a friendlier alternative, then you can use any number of CI/CD tools outside of Azure. VSTS offers several free build minutes every month.




You can add a custom KUDU script to the root directory of your solution. At that point you have "complete" control over the build and deploy pipeline in Azure. Every web app has a default script in Azure. If you pull your current KUDU script (assuming your are using dotnet core), you should just need to add a dotnet test command before the dotnet publish command and fail accordingly.




If you have looking for a friendlier alternative, then you can use any number of CI/CD tools outside of Azure. VSTS offers several free build minutes every month.
