在MS Access中按月排序

时间:2021-09-15 15:38:18

I am using an MS Access db to track some tasks during the year. Each task has a due Month. I do not want to use exact dates as the convention in my team is to refer to the month. I don't want to store the dates in a date format as team members will be entering the due month by hand.

我使用MS Access数据库来跟踪一年中的一些任务。每个任务都有一个到期月份。我不想使用确切的日期,因为我的团队的惯例是引用月份。我不希望以日期格式存储日期,因为团队成员将手动进入截止月份。

Is it possible to sort my fields in date order if the date is stored as a text string month? (eg. January, February rather than 31/01/2009, 28/02/2009).

如果日期存储为文本字符串月份,是否可以按日期顺序对字段进行排序? (例如,1月,2月而非2009年1月31日,2009年2月28日)。

If so, what would such a query look like?


Thanks in advance.


6 个解决方案


If you are storing only the month name, your will first need to convert to a date to get a month number, use a lookup table (MonthNo, MonthName) or use the Switch function. Here is an example of converting to a date:


SELECT Month(CDate(Year(Date()) & "/" & [MonthNameField] & "/1")) AS MonthNo
FROM Table

However, there is probably a good argument for storing a date based on the month name entered, this would prevent any confusion about years.



This should work


SELECT * FROM TableName OrderBy Month(date_field)

SELECT * FROM TableName OrderBy Month(date_field)


I would store the month as an integer 1-12 then you can easily sort them.



I would make a date field.


I would store 1/1/2009 for January 2009, 2/1/2009 for February 2009, and so forth. For display purposes, I'd format it so that it displayed only the month (or Month + Year -- can't imagine how you wouldn't want the year).

我将在2009年1月1日,2009年2月2日的2009年2月1日存储,等等。出于显示目的,我将其格式化,使其仅显示月份(或月份+年份 - 无法想象您不希望年份如何)。

This makes it possible to take advantage of date operations on the field without messy conversions of text to date formats.



Thank you all for your responses. Sorry for the delay in responding - I'm working on this issue again now.

谢谢大家的回复。很抱歉延迟回复 - 我现在正在解决这个问题。

For clarity, the DB is to be used to track a schedule of events within a 12 month period. The year does not need to be stored as everything in the DB is referring to the same year. A new copy of the DB will be made at the beginning of 2010.


I'm really keen to actually store the month as a word rather than any kind of value or date field as when bulk adding tasks I will likely edit the table directly rather than use a form.



I realise this is dead but google brought me here while i was looking so thought I would add to it:


I had this problem myself (Access 2010) and found a decent answer here: http://www.vbforums.com/showthread.php?503841-How-to-Convert-MonthName-to-Value(Microsoft-access-2003)

我自己遇到了这个问题(Access 2010),并在这里找到了一个不错的答案:http://www.vbforums.com/showthread.php?503841-How-to-Convert-MonthName-to-Value(Microsoft-access-2003)

So what I did was have a Query which pulled out the DISTINCT months from my table. Then in the design view i added another column with MonthNo: Month(CDate("1 " & [Month]))and sorted the query on this column


hope this helps someone if not the OP.



If you are storing only the month name, your will first need to convert to a date to get a month number, use a lookup table (MonthNo, MonthName) or use the Switch function. Here is an example of converting to a date:


SELECT Month(CDate(Year(Date()) & "/" & [MonthNameField] & "/1")) AS MonthNo
FROM Table

However, there is probably a good argument for storing a date based on the month name entered, this would prevent any confusion about years.



This should work


SELECT * FROM TableName OrderBy Month(date_field)

SELECT * FROM TableName OrderBy Month(date_field)


I would store the month as an integer 1-12 then you can easily sort them.



I would make a date field.


I would store 1/1/2009 for January 2009, 2/1/2009 for February 2009, and so forth. For display purposes, I'd format it so that it displayed only the month (or Month + Year -- can't imagine how you wouldn't want the year).

我将在2009年1月1日,2009年2月2日的2009年2月1日存储,等等。出于显示目的,我将其格式化,使其仅显示月份(或月份+年份 - 无法想象您不希望年份如何)。

This makes it possible to take advantage of date operations on the field without messy conversions of text to date formats.



Thank you all for your responses. Sorry for the delay in responding - I'm working on this issue again now.

谢谢大家的回复。很抱歉延迟回复 - 我现在正在解决这个问题。

For clarity, the DB is to be used to track a schedule of events within a 12 month period. The year does not need to be stored as everything in the DB is referring to the same year. A new copy of the DB will be made at the beginning of 2010.


I'm really keen to actually store the month as a word rather than any kind of value or date field as when bulk adding tasks I will likely edit the table directly rather than use a form.



I realise this is dead but google brought me here while i was looking so thought I would add to it:


I had this problem myself (Access 2010) and found a decent answer here: http://www.vbforums.com/showthread.php?503841-How-to-Convert-MonthName-to-Value(Microsoft-access-2003)

我自己遇到了这个问题(Access 2010),并在这里找到了一个不错的答案:http://www.vbforums.com/showthread.php?503841-How-to-Convert-MonthName-to-Value(Microsoft-access-2003)

So what I did was have a Query which pulled out the DISTINCT months from my table. Then in the design view i added another column with MonthNo: Month(CDate("1 " & [Month]))and sorted the query on this column


hope this helps someone if not the OP.
