写入Google DataFlow中的cloudsql

时间:2021-09-13 15:37:02

I am processing data using Google DataFlow is there any way to write the results to cloudsql ?

我正在使用Google DataFlow处理数据有没有办法将结果写入cloudsql?

1 个解决方案



There is not currently a built-in way of doing this, but you can use the Sink API to write to arbitrary external systems.

目前没有内置的方法,但您可以使用Sink API写入任意外部系统。

Edit: The Sink API is likely overkill for writing to cloudsql; you can just directly make insert calls from a DoFn.

编辑:Sink API对于写入cloudsql可能有点过分;你可以直接从DoFn进行插入调用。



There is not currently a built-in way of doing this, but you can use the Sink API to write to arbitrary external systems.

目前没有内置的方法,但您可以使用Sink API写入任意外部系统。

Edit: The Sink API is likely overkill for writing to cloudsql; you can just directly make insert calls from a DoFn.

编辑:Sink API对于写入cloudsql可能有点过分;你可以直接从DoFn进行插入调用。