无法通过在Apache Beam中创建模板以所需顺序运行多个管道

时间:2021-02-07 15:38:55

I have two separate Pipelines say 'P1' and 'P2'. As per my requirement I need to run P2 only after P1 has completely finished its execution. I need to get this entire operation done through a single Template.


Basically Template gets created the moment it finds run() its way say p1.run().


So what I can see that I need to handle two different Pipelines using two different templates but that would not satisfy my strict order based Pipeline execution requirement.


Another way I could think of calling p1.run() inside the ParDo of p2.run() and keep the run() of p2 wait until finish of run() of p1. I tried this way but stuck at IllegalArgumentException given below.


java.io.NotSerializableException: PipelineOptions objects are not serializable and should not be embedded into transforms (did you capture a PipelineOptions object in a field or in an anonymous class?). Instead, if you're using a DoFn, access PipelineOptions at runtime via ProcessContext/StartBundleContext/FinishBundleContext.getPipelineOptions(), or pre-extract necessary fields from PipelineOptions at pipeline construction time.

java.io.NotSerializableException:PipelineOptions对象不可序列化,不应嵌入到转换中(您是在字段中还是在匿名类中捕获PipelineOptions对象?)。相反,如果您正在使用DoFn,请在运行时通过ProcessContext / StartBundleContext / FinishBundleContext.getPipelineOptions()访问PipelineOptions,或者在管道构建时从PipelineOptions中预提取必要的字段。

Is it not possible at all to call the run() of a pipeline inside any transform say 'Pardo' of another Pipeline?


If this is the case then how to satisfy my requirement of calling two different Pipelines in sequence by creating a single template?


1 个解决方案



A template can contain only a single pipeline. In order to sequence the execution of two separate pipelines each of which is a template, you'll need to schedule them externally, e.g. via some workflow management system (such as what Anuj mentioned, or Airflow, or something else - you might draw some inspiration from this post for example).

模板只能包含一个管道。为了对两个独立管道的执行进行排序,每个管道都是模板,您需要在外部安排它们,例如,通过一些工作流程管理系统(例如Anuj所提到的,或Airflow,或其他东西 - 你可以从这篇文章中汲取灵感)。

We are aware of the need for better sequencing primitives in Beam within a single pipeline, but do not have a concrete design yet.




A template can contain only a single pipeline. In order to sequence the execution of two separate pipelines each of which is a template, you'll need to schedule them externally, e.g. via some workflow management system (such as what Anuj mentioned, or Airflow, or something else - you might draw some inspiration from this post for example).

模板只能包含一个管道。为了对两个独立管道的执行进行排序,每个管道都是模板,您需要在外部安排它们,例如,通过一些工作流程管理系统(例如Anuj所提到的,或Airflow,或其他东西 - 你可以从这篇文章中汲取灵感)。

We are aware of the need for better sequencing primitives in Beam within a single pipeline, but do not have a concrete design yet.
