
时间:2021-12-05 15:38:54

I have got a dimension tables with 1 million records which is SCD type 2.I am using pentaho Dimension lookup step for populating this dimension table. I am getting a version number,start date and end date. Now I want to populate the fact table based on the scd type2. What is the best approach for this?

我有一个包含100万条记录的维度表,这是SCD类型2.我正在使用pentaho Dimension查找步骤来填充此维度表。我得到版本号,开始日期和结束日期。现在我想基于scd type2填充事实表。对此最好的方法是什么?

1 个解决方案


Use the 'Dimension lookup/update' step for looking up the surrogate id ('Technical key field'), based on the natural key(s) ('Keys') and timestamp ('Stream Datefield'). Uncheck 'Update the dimension' if you only do lookup.



Use the 'Dimension lookup/update' step for looking up the surrogate id ('Technical key field'), based on the natural key(s) ('Keys') and timestamp ('Stream Datefield'). Uncheck 'Update the dimension' if you only do lookup.
