在达到elementCountAtLeast之前触发Google Dataflow触发器

时间:2021-07-01 15:35:32

I was planning on using Google Dataflow to coordinate human-in-the-loop form completion, checking for conflict after 3 forms have been completed. I have setup Google PubSub for both Dataflow source and sink and want to simply have the trigger fire and send to the PubSub sink after three forms have been received for a given JobId.

我计划使用Google Dataflow来协调人工循环表单的完成,在完成3个表单后检查冲突。我已经为数据流源和接收器设置了Google PubSub,并希望在收到给定JobId的三个表单后,只需触发触发器并发送到PubSub接收器。

This SO post looked similar to the problem I was trying to solve, however when I implement it, the trigger is firing and sending output to the PubSub sink before the AfterPane.elementCountAtLeast is reached.


I have tried it with the GlobalWindow and SlidingWindows. Once I get the trigger to fire after the elementCountAtLeast is reached, I was planning on implementing a GroupByKey for the jobId. However, before I moved to that step I'd like to get the elementCountAtLeast working in isolation.


Here is the code for reading from PubSub and the SlidingWindow:


PCollection<String> humanInTheLoopInput;
humanInTheLoopInput = pipeline

PCollection<String> windowedInput = humanInTheLoopInput

1 个解决方案



Without a GroupByKey nothing is being triggered. Both windowing and triggering only affect grouping (and combining) operations.




Without a GroupByKey nothing is being triggered. Both windowing and triggering only affect grouping (and combining) operations.
