将字符串列转换为apache beam中的整数列?

时间:2023-01-07 15:34:46

I'm trying to convert a string column filled with null values and a few numbers stored as strings, to an integer column in Google's DataFlow. Could anyone help me out with a python code to do that?

我正在尝试将填充了空值的字符串列和存储为字符串的一些数字转换为Google DataFlow中的整数列。任何人都可以用python代码帮我解决这个问题吗?

1 个解决方案



Looks like this has been sitting out here for awhile. It would be helpful if you could post some example text/code of what you have tried so far or what the data looks like. Here is the best I can do with limited information:


    with beam.Pipeline(options=PipelineOptions()) as p:
        #this reads in the data
        your_data = p | 'Your_Data' >> beam.io.ReadFromText('/path/to/data.csv')
        #each line is read in as a String '11139422, null, null, 60.75'
        #so we split each row of the PCollection into it's own String of values
        # '11139422', '', '', '60.75'
        split_your_data = your_data | 'split' >> beam.FlatMap(lambda x: x.split(","))
        #We then have to convert everything to int values
        your_data_to_int = split_your_data | 'String_to_Int' >> beam.Map(lambda w: int(w))



Looks like this has been sitting out here for awhile. It would be helpful if you could post some example text/code of what you have tried so far or what the data looks like. Here is the best I can do with limited information:


    with beam.Pipeline(options=PipelineOptions()) as p:
        #this reads in the data
        your_data = p | 'Your_Data' >> beam.io.ReadFromText('/path/to/data.csv')
        #each line is read in as a String '11139422, null, null, 60.75'
        #so we split each row of the PCollection into it's own String of values
        # '11139422', '', '', '60.75'
        split_your_data = your_data | 'split' >> beam.FlatMap(lambda x: x.split(","))
        #We then have to convert everything to int values
        your_data_to_int = split_your_data | 'String_to_Int' >> beam.Map(lambda w: int(w))